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Intro to Accounting Course

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1 Intro to Accounting Course
Mark Fielding-Pritchard

2 Timetable General introduction We will cover T accounts
Accounting concepts Profit and loss account Balance sheet Cash flow statement

3 Lecture 1 Why do people own their own business?
What should you consider before setting up the business? Where will you get the money from? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each source of finance? How would you know how much to charge? What assets would you need? How and when would you measure whether your business was successful? Why do you need to keep financial records? Who would be interested in the performance of your business? The principle of this whole section is to give a general background to business. Participants should be encouraged to ask as many questions as possible.

4 Users of Accounts/ Stakeholders
Why Who What Strengths Balance of requirements General business background here, who uses financial statements and why. If possible introduce the concept of management accounts

5 Managing Objective Setting Plans, tactics, operations
Performance monitoring Ethics Keep this very light but talk in very general terms about hierarchy of plans

6 Lecture1 contd Sole trader Partnership Limited liability company
Quoted companies Unquoted companies Talk about the legal background rather than accounting differences

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