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Graphs Mighty Math.

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Presentation on theme: "Graphs Mighty Math."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphs Mighty Math

2 A graph is a way of keeping track when we sort and count things.
It lets us see quickly how many things we have. It helps us compare numbers of different things, too.

3 What can we say about the fruit in this picture?
What could we do to learn more? How could we show others what we learn? Let’s count and graph!

4 Do we have more apples or oranges? Do we have fewer pears or bananas?
1 2 3 4 5 Do we have more apples or oranges? Do we have fewer pears or bananas? Which fruit do we have the most of? Which fruit do we have the least of?

5 A teacher can use a graph to show students how well they are doing in class.
Graphs are useful tools for many people, no matter what they sort or count. Where have you seen graphs used?

6 How many crayons of each color do we have?
Yellow Green Red 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 How many crayons of each color do we have? Picture graph

7 How many crayons of each color do we have?
Yellow Green Red 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 How many crayons of each color do we have? Bar graph

8 We have been keeping track of how many pockets we have been wearing for seven days. Let’s graph our results.

9 On which day did we have the most pockets?
Did we have the same amount of pockets any day? Which ones? What day did we have the least amount of pockets? How many more pockets did we have on day 2 than day 5? How many less pockets did we have on day 1 than day 7?



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