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BigBite Spectrometer Status from Marathon to A1n/GMN

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1 BigBite Spectrometer Status from Marathon to A1n/GMN
Douglas W. Higinbotham (Jefferson Lab)

2 BigBite in Hall A circa 2009

3 BigBite Infrastructure
Rails & Hilman Rollers (custom) Novosibirsk Built (1995) Dipole Magnet Danfysik Power Supply Field Camp with Sieve Mount (Transversity design)

4 BigBite Detectors The “Classic” Equipment
Three Wire Chambers ( two large and one small) Currently have MAD cards for two wire-chambers HRS also using MAD cards (i.e. we have plenty) Timing Scintillators PreShower & Shower Detector (Trigger) Temple Gas Cherenkov The “New” Equipment W&M Cherenkov We have a British C4F10 vendor and have made an order for Hall A&C though just a fraction of the total we need. UVA GEM’s

5 Electronics (Located in testlab)
Fastbus (three “normal” crates) VME trigger supervisor crate LeCroy (two crates) Working with rassberry pi units to control. Radiation & ras Front End (NIM & Camac) Custom summing units overload low power crates. (mitigated by getting high power crates) Camac allows easy remote discriminator changes

6 Cables (Majority in testlab)
We have long ribbon cables for the BigBite chambers and the materials to make the short connects between the level translators and the Fastbus (started but not finished) We have all needed BNC from the BigBite to the front-end. Hall A/C has long delay cables from past BigBite experiments. Other cables are around from other runs. i.e. there is plenty of long BNC around, but we need to be sure not to double counting. Also need to careful with lengths for a coincidence measurement!

7 Next Configuration Rough drawing I need your input to know if this is still what you want. I know the Cherenkov is now the Grinch instead of the Temple Cherenkov.

8 Space, the final frontier . . .
Originally BigBite was going to go to Hall A for the Marathon experiment and then returning for refurbishment summer 2017. Walt Akers would like the current BigBite equipment location for another project, BUT he hasn’t yet found me a new spot so it isn’t yet clear if the equipment is moving… Stuck in a short term LIMBO while this is sorted out.... Manpower New Hall A postdoc ( Evan McClellan) Tritium students no longer focused on BigBite (i.e. This is a problem for the short term.)

9 Readiness Review (2017) Need (at least) two new BigBite OSP’s
Magnet & Power supply (magnetic fields) Note Hall D recently had a field related accident Hall C had a major field related accident! Rotation (the one BigBite accident) Radcon rope tied between BigBite a vacuum line… Not easily seen from the floor. Other general documents OSP, ERG, RSAD, ESAD you don’t need final documents, just a plan, though the more that is done the better!

10 Scary Backup Slides

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