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CHEMISTRY Ms. Hollick Q148.

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Presentation on theme: "CHEMISTRY Ms. Hollick Q148."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHEMISTRY Ms. Hollick Q148

2 Syllabus GET A HIGHLIGHTER. Highlight the following:
Tutoring days and times Late work deadlines What happens to your phone in class? The class website link

3 Class Flow & Expectations
Have homework out at the door for checked/ grade- show up on time Pick up handouts on bookcase. Place phone in pocket- turn ringer off Say hi to your group & check group supplies Start Bell Ringer for the day Time to learn- be prepared with notebook and supplies, be engaged, ask questions! Wrap it up- summary activity or question. Return supplies You may get your phones and pack up when signaled

4 Stand up Hand up Pair up Stand up, Hand Up
Pair up with someone. Lower your hand. What are good social manners? Greet your partner by name Make eye contact when speaking High five or shake hands I’ll ask a question and designate who goes first. Say goodbye

5 Lab Safety Contracts Right now print your name and period on the paper
Read & Sign DUE BY NEXT BLOCK with parent signature! You will not participate in lab until your contract is turned in. You will get a zero for all labs you do not complete.

6 Classroom Rules On a sticky note what are 3 rules, procedures, or guidelines you would like in your ideal learning environment. A&B Share ideas (shoulder partner) Group Share Choose your top 3 rules for classroom

7 Bell Ringer: Codes on next slide
Today I will be able to: demonstrate safe practices during laboratory and field investigations, including the appropriate use of safety shower, eyewash fountain, safety goggles, and fire extinguishers. Sign up for EDMODO  I’m a student Create an account and enter your name Codes on next slide

8 Lab Safety Demos Safety Shower Eye Wash Fume hood

9 Lab Safety Relay- 10 minutes
Storage/Prep room Rear exit door Safety shower Emergency gas shut-off Fire extinguisher First aid kit Emergency call button Fire blanket Broken glass container Fume hood Goggle cabinet Fire (smoke) detector Broom/dustpan Spill clean-up kit Eyewash

10 National Fire Protection Association

11 Bell Ringer Pick up handouts, Name tents out
Today I will be able to know specific hazards of chemical substances such as flammability, corrosiveness, and radioactivity as summeraized on the SDS Pick up handouts, Name tents out Cut out your leaf. DO NOT write on it yet

12 TEAMBUILDER-Chemistree
Cut out your leaf close to the outline Using markers, write your first name and last initial in the leaf legibly




16 Take Home- On Edmodo Due
Go through your kitchen at home and inventory all the chemicals What safety measures do you have in your kitchen? Discuss the storage and handling of these chemicals with 1 older person in your household Together create a safety plan when using those chemicals Due Tomorrow AM. Be ready to discuss in class!

17 S↑H↑P↑ Find someone who…
Is in the same extracurricular activity Has the same number of siblings Has another class together Same height Same type of pet Come to agreeance on the best snack on a hot day


19 Reading SDS Activity Your group will collect data from a chemical label What safety must be taken in the lab for this activity? Must wear goggles

20 Bell Ringer Today I will be able to: distinguish between equipment and technology, including beakers, Erlenmeyer flasks, pipettes, graduated cylinders, volumetric flasks, safety goggles, and burettes, electronic balances In your groups, come up with 3 things you had in common about your chemical inventory. Homework: finish lab equipment sheet (pwpt online) TEST TOMORROW!


22 Lab Equipment Stations
Person 1: Identify the lab equipment with the blue card titles and discuss why you match the two Person 2: See if you agree. If you don’t EXPLAIN why you’re moving things Person 3: Check the answers with the back of the cards and read it outloud Person 4: Summarize the usage in 5 words(ish). The whole group will write down what #4 says. Rotate rolls between stations 4 minute stations moving clockwise

23 Scientific Method With your team come up with the steps of the scientific method

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