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Personal Finance Taxes

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1 Personal Finance Taxes
Bill Klinger

2 Personal Finance Review Cash flow Balance sheet Net worth
Time value of money PV FV Annuity Payment Non-annual payments

3 Taxes FICA Sales tax Estate / Inheritance tax Income tax
Federal Insurance Contributions Act Paid by both employer and employee Social Security 6.2% of income up to $110,000 in income Medicare 1.45% of income Sales tax 6.875% in NJ Not on unprepared food, paper products, medicine, clothing Estate / Inheritance tax Income tax

4 Income Tax Gross income Adjusted gross income (AGI) = earned income
+ interest + dividends + capital gains (short and long-term) Adjusted gross income (AGI) = Gross income - Alimony - Interest on student loans - IRA - Tuition

5 Income Tax Deductions Exemptions Taxable Income
Interest expense (e.g. mortage) State income tax Real estate tax Charitable contributions Other Exemptions Deductions for dependants Taxable Income = Adjusted gross income (AGI) - Deductions - Exemptions

6 Income Taxes Calculating
Tax brackets “Progressive” Tax on ‘base’ + percentage over ‘base’ Marginal vs. average tax rate Example Text p

7 Income Tax Credits Full amount subtracted from tax due Credits for
Children College expenses Contributions to fund for education expenses Cloverdale 529

8 In Class In groups of two
Calculate the tax due if the taxable income is $75,000 for a married couple. What is the marginal tax rate? What is the average tax rate? Calculate the tax due if the taxable income is $45,000 for a married couple. Calculate the tax due if the taxable income is $200,000 for a married couple.

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