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The theme of the lessons: “ Robots can dance”

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Presentation on theme: "The theme of the lessons: “ Robots can dance”"— Presentation transcript:

1 The theme of the lessons: “ Robots can dance”

2 The aim of the lessons: to develop pupils oral speech; to improve reading, writing letters, speaking and listening comprehension skills doing exercises.

3 The visual aids:. cards, pictures, balloons
The visual aids: cards, pictures, balloons The type of the lesson: discussion lesson. The connection between subjects: Kazakh, Russian, Mathematic, Drawing.

4 I. Organization moment. Greeting. - Good morning children. I’m glad to
I. Organization moment Greeting Good morning children. I’m glad to see you Good morning a teacher Who is on duty today? I am on duty Who is absent today ? All are present Sit down, please! Let’s begin our new English lesson.

5 II. Revision of the lesson
II. Revision of the lesson. Checking of the home-task: A) working with the pupils; T:- Today we’re repeating vowels and consonant sounds. We know very many letters. How many? Do you know? P: - There are twenty-six. T: -How many the vowel sounds? P: - There are five. T: -How many the consonant sounds? P: - There are twenty-one. T: - Let’s repeat all together “ The Alphabet Song”.


7 B) Working with the group; At the blackboard going two pupils and answered the questions. - What is your name? - My name is … . And you? - I’m … . - How are you? - I’m fine, thank you. And you? - I’m OK, thanks. – How old are you? - I’m 7. And you? - I’m 7, too . - Good bye. - Bye, bye.

8 III. New Theme. A) Explanation of the grammar materials: - OK children, thank you. - Today the new lesson about letter “R r ” and Modal verb “ Can, could”. Can/Could Can/can’t – барлық жақтардағы формалары бірдей. Remember! Positive form: Can/could Negative form: can’t (can not) couldn’t (could not). Example: I can count. I can’t run. They could skate. They couldn’t run.

9 IV. Phonetic drill. B) Explanation of the new materials: - Open the workbook at page 44 and open the book at p. 86. Robot [ rәubot] - робот ruler [ ru:lә(r)] – правитель, линейка run [ rлn] – бежать, бегать. Red [ red] – красный, рыжий, багровый, румяный. а rabbit [ ә raebit] – кролик a cow [ ә kau] – корова а sheep [ ә si:p] – овца, баран a horse [ ә ho:s] - лощадь , конь а duck [ dлк] – утка a goat [ gәut] – козель, коза



12 V. A memory game “ I can…”

13 Venn diagram count, jump, paint, run, dance, fly.
Can Could

14 VI. Concluding lesson. 1. Giving of homework: ex. 4 – p
VI. Concluding lesson. 1. Giving of homework: ex. 4 – p. 45 Trace on the workbook. ex. 5 – p. 45 Draw a rabbit, a cow, a horse, a duck, a goat, a sheep. 2. Giving marks.


16 VII. Generalization of the lesson:
Modal verbs Could Can

17 The lesson is over. Good bye!

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