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Healthy Britain.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Britain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Britain

2 Creation of the NHS 1946-1948 Pre-NHS National Health Insurance
Variety of hospitals Not everyone covered

3 Creation of the NHS 1946-1948 Pre-NHS National Health Insurance
Variety of hospitals Not everyone covered Was there a consensus? Aneurin (Nye) Bevan

4 Creation of the NHS National Hospital Service

5 Creation of the NHS National Hospital Service Costs

6 Creation of the NHS National Hospital Service Costs Charges

7 Creation of the NHS 1946-1948 National Hospital Service Costs Charges

8 Continuing problems Power of the doctors Teaching hospitals
Little emphasis on preventative medicine Remained very popular

9 Late 1970s-1980s Shift to the political Right

10 Late 1970s-1980s Shift to the political Right
Some services contracted out

11 Late 1970s-1980s Shift to the political Right
Some services contracted out Costs skyrocketing because of rising expectations, medical advances and an aging population

12 Late 1970s-1980s Shift to the political Right
Some services contracted out Costs skyrocketing because of rising expectations, medical advances and an aging population Self-governing hospitals

13 New Labour Private Finance Initiative (PFI)
Both parties displaying striking similar priorities in health policies. Emphasis on greater public information and patient choice.

14 2013 - NHS Restructuring Abolition of PCTs and SHAs
Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) Private providers

15 Continuing areas of debate
Nursing shortages Patient choice Rationing of resources/waiting lists and waiting times Inequalities – postcode lottery Prevention Standards

16 Films Carry on Nurse (1958) Britannia Hospital (1982)

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