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Amateur Radio Digital Communication Modes

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Presentation on theme: "Amateur Radio Digital Communication Modes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Amateur Radio Digital Communication Modes
Aroostook Amateur Radio Association October 6, 2011

2 An OVERVIEW Light on Definitions No Acronyms FSK AFSK PSK MPSK, etc

3 Advantages Bandwidth Efficiency Power Efficiency
Information Efficiency

4 Voice Modes

5 AM

6 AM vs SSB

7 Digital Modes Minimize bandwidth Minimize power requirements
Minimize interference Adjacent channel Atmospheric Eliminate voice related miscommunication (accent, etc)

8 Digital Modes

9 Digital Modes CW-Continuous Wave
Radio transmits and receives intelligence. Requires physical and mental input from operator to encode and decode.

10 Digital Modes RTTY-Radio TeleType

11 Digital Modes RTTY-Radio TeleType
RTTY Terminal Required Mechanically translates received signal into a format that is usable by the operator.

12 Digital Modes Packet

13 Digital Modes Packet TNC-Terminal Node Controller
TAPR-Tucson Amateur Packet Radio AX.25 HF 300 baud VHF baud

14 Digital Modes APRS (Packet) Automatic Packet Reporting System

15 Digital Modes Sound Card Modes

16 Software Ham Radio Deluxe Digipan MMTTY FLDIGI JT65HF Meinberg
Dimention 4

17 Modes Amtor Pactor G-Tor (telegraph over radio=TOR) Clover RTTY
PSK31, PSK63, etc Packet Hellschreiber - PSK-Hell, Feld Hell, etc

18 Modes Throb MFSK16 JT65A, JT65HF Olivia

19 PSK31

20 JT65HF

21 Information APRS

22 Information RTTY

23 Information JT65

24 Information-PSK

25 Information-Miscellaneous

26 Software Digipan:
Ham Radio Deluxe (DM780): JT65HF: RTTY: Fldigi:

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