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Relationship between annual fund & major gifts

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Presentation on theme: "Relationship between annual fund & major gifts"— Presentation transcript:

1 Relationship between annual fund & major gifts
Cafc 2014, J. Zachary bailes, Director of Philanthropy, barton college

2 Communication Collaboration Cultivation

3 Who’s in the room? Name Institution and Position
What are you wanting to learn?

4 What kind of relationship?

5 symbiosis the living together of two dissimilar organisms, as in mutualism, commensalism, or parasitism.

6 “Underdogs” by Sebastian Magnani
a relationship between two species of organisms in which both benefit from the association. mutualism

7 commensalism a type of relationship between two species of a plant, animal, fungus, etc., in which one lives with, on, or in another without damage to either.

8 parasitism non-mutual symbiotic relationship between species, where one species, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host.

9 Which relationship describes your office?
commensalism parasitism mutualism

10 From commensalism to mutualism

11 Magnitude of impact upon students
What’s shared? Same Goals, Different Means relationships Magnitude of impact upon students Increase $$ Increase donors Donor purpose Increase impact

12 Communication how do we view communication? Threat? Opportunity?

13 communication Information sharing Transparency Accountability
System of communication Weekly Reports Results Outcome focused What do you want to achieve and how will you achieve it?

14 collaboration

15 two or more people working together

16 collaboration looks different
what’s your context?

17 big shop established small shop resources young leadership structure

18 Discover Impact Donors Small shop collaboration
communication Increase Annual Fund % Discover Impact Donors Small shop collaboration Relationally focused annual fund Annual fund focused gift proposal cultivation Grow annual fund and impact gifts


20 the planting, tending, improving, or harvesting of crops or plants;
the preparation of ground to promote their growth cultivation

21 Communication Develop strategy Isolate growth locations Discover donors Collaboration Problem Solving Mutually Beneficial Skills Cultivation Sow seeds for future growth Major Gift Experience for Annual Fund Annual Fund Strategy for Major Gifts (Calendar)

22 From commensalism to mutualism
parasitism mutualism

23 Increased Alumni Giving 5% YTD Increased Unrestricted Giving 7% YTD
Increased Alumni Participation 5% YTD Weekly Development Reports Bi-Weekly Departmental Meetings Major Gift Team Strategy

24 Creating a Major Gift Experience Multiple & Diverse Interactions
Year-Long Talking Points Refining the Art of the Ask Bob and Bill Effect

25 How can our Annual Fund not only serve as a pipeline, but also serve
as a tool of innovation?



28 Questions and Comments
What’s happening at your institution? Ways to improve the reciprocal Relationship between Major Gifts and Annual Gifts?

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