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Presentation on theme: "METEOSAT SECOND GENERATION (MSG)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Note: in this Powerpoint presentation (in most cases) the SEVIRI images are not inverted, i.e. displayed as solar channels. If a channel is inverted, this is denoted by the small letter "i".

3 Convection Kenya/Uganda
24 April 2003

4 Low-level Clouds Convection Somalia Thin Cirrus Uganda MSG-1 24 April 2003 12:00 UTC RGB Composite R = NIR1.6 G = VIS0.8 B = VIS0.6 Kenya Tanzania

5 Click on the image to see the animation !
MSG-1 24 April 2003 08: :00 UTC RGB Composite R = NIR1.6 G = VIS0.8 B = VIS0.6

6 Click on the image to see the animation !
MSG-1 24 April 2003 08: :00 UTC Channel 03 (NIR1.6)

7 Convection Northern Cameroon
20 May 2003

8 Chad Severe Convection Sudan Central African Republic Squall Line MSG-1 20 May 2003 14:00 UTC RGB Composite R = NIR1.6 G = VIS0.8 B = VIS0.6 Cameroon Dem. Republic of the Kongo

9 Click on the image to see the animation !
MSG-1 20 May 2003 12:00-14:30 UTC Channel 09 (IR10.8)

10 Click on the image to see the animation !
MSG-1 20 May 2003 12:00-14:30 UTC Channel 01 (VIS0.6)

11 Click on the image to see the animation !
MSG-1 20 May 2003 12:00-14:30 UTC Channel 06 (WV7.3)

12 Click on the image to see the animation !
MSG-1 20 May 2003 12:00-14:30 UTC Channel 04 (IR3.9)

13 Click on the image to see the animation !
High reflectance / Warm (ground or low water clouds) High reflectance /Cold (high clouds, small ice part.) Low reflectance / Cold (high clouds, large ice part.) MSG-1 20 May 2003 12:00-14:30 UTC Channel 04 - Zoom 6 (IR3.9)

14 Click on the image to see the animation !
MSG-1 20 May 2003 12:00-14:30 UTC RGB Composite - Zoom 6 R = VIS0.6 G = IR3.9 B = IR10.8

15 New Convective Developments
Top Temp. -78°C Small Ice Particles 12:30 UTC :45 UTC :00 UTC Top Temp. -83°C Large Ice Particles 13:15 UTC :30 UTC :45 UTC 20 May 2003, RGB VIS0.6-IR3.9-IR12.0

16 20 May 2003, RGB VIS0.6-IR3.9i-IR12.0i 12:30 UTC 12:45 UTC 13:00 UTC

17 Convection Central Africa
7 September 2003

18 Thin Cirrus Low-level Clouds MSG-1 7 September 2003 12:45 UTC RGB Composite R = NIR1.6 G = VIS0.8 B = VIS0.6 Tanzania Dem. Republic of the Kongo Severe Convection Angola

19 MSG-1 7 September 2003 11:45 UTC Channel 09i (IR10.8)

20 1 2 4 5 3 1. Large warm ice 2. Large cold ice 3. Small cold ice
4. Small cold water 5. Large warm water 4 5 3 MSG-1 7 September 2003 11:45 UTC RGB Composite VIS0.8 - IR3.9 - IR10.8

21 MSG-1 7 September 2003 12:00 UTC RGB Composite VIS0.8 - IR3.9 - IR10.8

22 MSG-1 7 September 2003 12:15 UTC RGB Composite VIS0.8 - IR3.9 - IR10.8

23 Convection Niger 8 September 2003

24 Severe Convection MSG-1 8 September 2003 15:00 UTC Channel 09i (IR10.8)

25 Low-Level Clouds Overshooting Top MSG-1 8 September 2003 15:00 UTC RGB Composite R = HRV G = HRV B = IR10.8i Thin Cirrus Cirrus Outflow

26 Click on the image to see the animation !
MSG-1 8 September 2003 12: :00 UTC Channel 09i (IR10.8)

27 Click on the image to see the animation !
High reflectance (desert, water clouds) Lower reflectance (ice clouds) MSG-1 8 September 2003 12: :00 UTC Channel 03 (NIR1.6)

28 Click on the image to see the animation !
MSG-1 8 September 2003 12: :00 UTC RGB Composite R = VIS0.6 G = NIR1.6 B = IR10.8

29 Convection West Africa
23 September 2003

30 MSG-1, 23 September 2003, 11:30 UTC, Channel IR3.9i
Convective Outflow Boundary Convection along low-level Convergence Line MSG-1, 23 September 2003, 11:30 UTC, Channel IR3.9i

31 Click on the image to see the animation !
MSG-1 23 September 2003 09:45-11:30 UTC Channel 04i (IR3.9)


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