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The FloridaWorks Workforce Board is made up of local individuals from the public and private sectors who have the goal of developing and sustaining a qualified.

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Presentation on theme: "The FloridaWorks Workforce Board is made up of local individuals from the public and private sectors who have the goal of developing and sustaining a qualified."— Presentation transcript:

1 The FloridaWorks Workforce Board is made up of local individuals from the public and private sectors who have the goal of developing and sustaining a qualified regional workforce.

2 Vision Statement for FloridaWorks
Our community will have a world class workforce that meets the needs of business and provides opportunities for job seekers today and in the future.

3 Everybody Works. FloridaWorks Mission
Growing business and jobs through a skilled workforce.

4 The Workforce Model – Who’s Involved
Economic Development Partners Workforce Florida, Inc. (WFI) Businesses, Workers, Job Seekers Agency for Workforce Innovation (AWI) State & Local Partners 24 Regional Workforce Boards This model shows the different components of the workforce delivery system: WFI: Sets statewide vision; Establishes goals for state and regions, reviews performance, hands out kudos or tech asst; Creates statewide policy; develops some program ideas and issues RFPs AWI: Manages Finances; monitors and negotiates contracts; drafts statewide policy; administers personnel; provides training, and technical assistance Regional Workforce Development Board: Sets vision for region; establishes goals for region, reviews performance; creates regional policy; develops program ideas and authorizes issuance of RFPs One Stop System

5 Responsibilities and Relationships
Sets vision for region. Develops strategic plan. Creates policy. Approves budget. Awards contracts, approves training vendors. Monitors performance. FloridaWorks Region 9 Local Elected Officials Partner Agencies Establishes goals and implements policy set by the Board. Develops delivery systems, program ideas and services that carry out the vision of the board. Issues RFP, negotiates and administers contracts. Conducts research and markets programs. Initiates continuous improvement, financial management and IT/MIS. Administrative Entity Employers & Job Seekers One Stop System Workforce Central Florida, the Workforce Development Board that oversees our region and performs many of the same functions the WDB does but on a local level. Training Vendors, Service Providers And Partners Business Services Team WTP WIA Wagner Peyser

6 FloridaWorks Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Program
To provide assistance, training and support services to unemployed and underemployed individuals (making less than $25.00 per hour) to gain high skill high wage occupations.

7 FloridaWorks Welfare Transition Program (WTP)
To divert people off welfare when they apply To assist welfare recipients to increase their employability skills to obtain employment.

8 FloridaWorks Wagner Peyser (WP) Program
Universal customer Job matching services to connect employers with qualified job seekers. No training or support services.

9 Business & Employer Services
Employer registration Applicant search and job matching services Applicant screening Job order follow-up Facilitate: Job Postings Job Fairs Recruiting Events Identify & recruit area job opportunities Work Opportunity Tax Credit Federal Bonding Program Labor Market Information

10 FloridaWorks Volume Indicators 07-09

11 Historical Regional Funding for Workforce Development
Funding Stream FY 03-04 FY 04-05 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 WIA 1,374,127 1,306,160 1,657,393 1,114,709 825,823 755,232 1,181,134 TANF 2,372,664 2,359,399 1,887,519 1,510,015 1,579,369 1,417,650 1,134,022 Wagner Peyser/ other 311,994 398,676 555,917 635,231 778,416 970,255 475,876 Reed Act 113,160 303,131 Total 4,058,785 4,064,235 4,100,829 3,259,955 3296,768 3,143,037 2,791,032 ARRA 1,368,662 Supple-mental 1,102,797 389,045 249,418 1,042,500 625,433 131,000 1,650,835 Grand total 5,161,582 4,453,280 4,350,247 4,302,455 3,922,201 5,236,044 4.441,867

12 Growing business and jobs through a skilled workforce.
__________________________________________ 4800 S.W 13th St S. Walnut St. Gainesville, FL Starke, FL 32091 (352) (904)

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