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University of Porto in Portugal

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1 University of Porto in Portugal
Trend breaker. Impact of the launch of Russian language television channel on the viewing trends of the Estonian Public Broadcasting. Edasised pildiread ja numbrid puudutavad venekeelset auditooriumi emma conference 2016 University of Porto in Portugal Andres Jõesaar Tallinn University

2 Estonia Total population 1,3 million ¾ Estonians
¼ non-Estonians referred also as Russian speakers ¾ Estonians Total advertising market 93 million €

3 Share of Viewing 2013-2016 Estonians Non-Estonians
5 main Russian channels

4 Share of Viewing May 2016

5 How to measure audience?
Share = Time x People 4 x 2 = 8 2 x 4 = 8

6 Share of Viewing is relevant criteria
BUT THERE MUST BE ALSO REACH Edasised weekly reachid näitavad inimesi vanuses 4+, kes on kanalit nädalas vaadanud vähemalt 15 minutit

7 Main Broadcasting Groups’ Average Weekly Reach. May 2016, 4+. 15 min
Source: TNS Emor

8 Weekly reach of ERR’s programs among Russian-speaking audience in 2006 – 2015. Source: TNS Emor

Private sectors’ unwillingness to work for these niche audiences is understandable from the business point of view. Investments into expensive niche media products are not profitable. Potential audience of around Russian speaking viewers is not big enough for launch of a commercial TV-channel,

When all circumstances (resources available, market conditions, economical atmosphere etc) are not favoring commercial media then this kind of market failure should be balanced by public service media (PSM). Therefore PSM is even more responsible for delivering diverse content and high-quality information for all citizens, including minorities, on a smaller market.

11 Arguments opposing PSB channel in Russian (1)
might undermine Estonian language and will open a way of giving Russian status of the second official language To attract a Russian-language audience (extra) high quality programmes are needed; It is too expensive; sufficient additional financial resources are unavailable; Whatever the program, it is unrealistic to expect that it will attract the attention of the Russian audience, because of high competition from abroad;

12 Arguments opposing PSB channel in Russian (2)
There is a lack of professional journalists / hosts and other staff required for the high quality TV producton; There is no need for such a channel – in the long run, all citizens will understand Estonian and will therefore be capable of watching Estonian programmes; It will decrease motivation to learn Estonian; If state financed propaganda is required, these programmes should be ordered from, and aired on, First Baltic Channel (PBK).

13 Main supportive arguments
The channel will support the enhancement, development and servicing of social, political and cultural citizenship; It will offer adequate and reliable information to all citizens and inhabitants; It will extenuate tensions between two ethnic groups; It will serve as a balancing force to Moscow, lowering national security risks

14 28 September 2015 Budget 3,6 million 1,8 million investment

15 Unique Point of Sales Being local – to talk about and with local people about life they live, issues they care ETV+ gives a voice to all those who consider Estonia their home and wish to contribute to the development of the country ETV+ is a multimedia channel that allows viewers to actively participate in its television and radio programs, website, video blogs, social media, apps and events

16 Weekly reach of all ERR channels (ETV, ETV2 and ETV+) and ETV+ among Russian-speaking audience January – May Source: TNS Emor

17 Weekly Reach. Russian speakers, 4+. 15 min

18 Anniversary of the Republic of Estonia
on ERR TV-channels (coverage among Non-Estonians) % ,9% Source: TNS Emor

19 ERR TV Channels’ Weekly Reach among Non-Estonian Audience Sept 2015 vs Feb 2016

20 in Online World

21 Online

22 Online On weekly bases 30.000 unique visitors on ETV+ Facebook page
This is more than has clients on page on ERR portal Ca clients on ETV+ sub page


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