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Project financed by the European Union

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1 Project financed by the European Union
Development of Afforestation Programs and their Implementation 3) Technical aspects Project financed by the European Union

2 Project financed by the European Union
Contents Strategic considerations Decision making process Technical aspects Project financed by the European Union



5 Project financed by the European Union
Site Preparation Site preparation measures aim at the creation of an environment that allows/supports natural or artificial regeneration. Hence, only those measures should be carried out, which are inevitable and which are of major importance for the survival of the regeneration. Existing trees and shrubs should not be removed, except invasive exotic species. Deadwood should be kept, because of its high ecological value. Removal of vegetation should be limited to a minimum Project financed by the European Union

6 Project financed by the European Union
Total area cleaning through and ploughing Common practice in the past From ecological as well as from economical perspective questionable ( on heavy soils destruction of microstructure of soil) Recommendable only on sandy, light soil to prevent vigorous grass growth Project financed by the European Union

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Spot cleaning Vegetation is removed in a small area immediately before planting Recommended as environmentally friendly and cost effectice Project financed by the European Union

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Selection species composition In case the silvicultural aim is establishment of stands showing a mixture of species the following aspects have to be considered: growing rhythm of the species (slow or high juvenile growth) tolerance regarding shade Project financed by the European Union

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Single tree mixture Row-wise mixture Group-wise mixture Each group 20-40m in diameter Project financed by the European Union

11 Project financed by the European Union
Spacing Narrow spacing increases costs and requires tending measures, sometimes beating-up will not be necessary Wider spacing does not use the space fully, beating up necessary. Countries have own standards (3000/ha) Project financed by the European Union

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13 Project financed by the European Union
Forest reproductive material Seeds Wild saplings (collected from neighbouring natural regeneration, used for enrichment planting Bare root seedlings (produced in open-air nurseries) Container plants (produced in containers, sometimes in greenhouses, very safe way of producing seedlings) Project financed by the European Union

14 Project financed by the European Union
Selection of provenances Due to the sometimes large spatial distribution of tree species different populations develop which are adapted to the specific ecological conditions It is important to use material only that is derived from seed sources that had grown under similar ecological conditions as exist at the afforestation site (lowland provenances, high-land provenances) Project financed by the European Union

15 Above: Field trial for the selection of birch progenies showing good morphological features like straightness of the stem

16 Project financed by the European Union
Quality of forest reproductive material The survival rate depends on the quality of seedlings Only those plants should be used that show high quality root system, a good root to shoot ratio (large plants show problems with regard to survival) Production of forest reproductive material needs means of proper supervision and quality control. Sometimes it is advisable to discuss and negotiate the production and provision of forest reproductive material with the nurseries beforehand, so that they can produce on demand. Project financed by the European Union

17 Project financed by the European Union
Example from Germany Act on Forest Reproductive Material (Issued 22May 2002 The production and marketing of forest reproductive material is subject to the Act on Forest Reproductive Material. The purpose of this act is to maintain and improve the forests and is genetic diversity by providing high quality forest reproductive material with secured identity as well as to promote the forestry and its performance. Project financed by the European Union

18 After selection of species the availability of seedlings and delineation of area the availability of seedlings will be checked, whether the nurseries can provide material of Right provenance High quality Sufficient Amount

19 Project financed by the European Union
Planting technique Planting technique has to be chosen inter alia with regard to the following criteria: tree species (kind of root formation), soil type, size of plant, ergonomic situation (tools…) Project financed by the European Union

20 Angle planting Hole planting
The seedling is put into a gap which has been created be use of planting hoes. Advantages: The soil will be opened only as much as necessary. Soil bedding remains undisturbed, leading to good water supply. No risk of freezing out No need for intensive site preparation High performance Disadvantages: Limitations of the seedling’s height Risk of root deformations Planting in holes prepared by spades or drilling machines Roots in vertical upright position No restriction towards seedling’s height Plants not well fixed Excavated material dried out, When seedlings will be planted in dry substrate, irrigation necessary

21 Project financed by the European Union
Hole-planting Project financed by the European Union

22 Project financed by the European Union
Planting equipment Project financed by the European Union

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Maintenance Beating-up (replacing trees that have died) Weeding Maintenance of protective measures Project financed by the European Union

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Weeding Evaluate the necessity, as vegetation coverage could have both positive and negative impacts. Positive effects are reduction of wind and erosion. Negative effects could be competition for light or covering and surprising through snow. Negative effects are very seldom, only in cases of aggressive vegetation (Calamagrostis, Dechampsia, Rubus.). Mechanical weeding leads to short time advantages only. More often negative effects have to be observed (Transpiration). Project financed by the European Union

25 Project financed by the European Union
Protection Local conditions may require that the afforestation site is protected against game or livestock This could be done either by fencing or individual tree protection Project financed by the European Union

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Nice, but not very efficient Project financed by the European Union

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Barb-wire, where Livestock is a big threat Project financed by the European Union

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Individual-tree protection Project financed by the European Union

30 Project financed by the European Union
Protection Complete Fencing : depending on the shape of the afforestation site, exclusion of livestock or game Group fencing: Fencing of groups /per ha, allows grazing on parts of the area Individual tree protection: favourable in case of unfavourable shape, allows grazing between the trees Project financed by the European Union

31 Conclusion and outlook Project financed by the European Union
The main idea is to collect existing experiences to develop a sound concept for afforestation. Having considered strategic elements and technical aspects the elaboration of the financing concept will be possible. Project financed by the European Union

32 Project financed by the European Union
Prepared by Oliver Scholz Rolf Schulzke Project financed by the European Union

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