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Micro-Nutrients Water and Fibre

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1 Micro-Nutrients Water and Fibre
^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 40, 68 PLAY Acknowledge PLAY Explain SAY Hello | Hi | Good Day, SAY I am Tom. | My name is Tom. | I am the VT character Tom. SAY ^PAUSE=300^ I will provide some extra guidance and information ^PAUSE=300^ during this {prez entation=presentation.} | I will help with some extra information during this {prez entation=presentation.} ^PAUSE=800^ SAY My colleagues may also give some help. | There are other characters who may also be called on to give some guidance. | Some of my colleagues may also help out. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY In this {prez entation=presentation} we will look at micro-nutrients, ^PAUSE=300^ plus the other essentials of water and fibre. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY Micro-nutrients are {vit-amins=vitamins} and minerals. ^PAUSE=500^ The amount of these in our diet is ^EMPHASIS^really quite small but they are ^EMPHASIS^vital in keeping us healthy.^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Blink SAY If you want to be able to plan meals properly you ^EMPHASIS^must understand ^PAUSE=200^ what these micro-nutrients do. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY While we are talking ^PAUSE=300^ you can ^EMPHASIS^Suspend us ^PAUSE=300^ or ask us to ^EMPHASIS^Resume ^PAUSE=300^ by right clicking on us and then choosing ^PAUSE=300^ Suspend ^PAUSE=300^ or Resume ^PAUSE=300^ from the menu.^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Decline SAY If you choose ^EMPHASIS^Hide ^PAUSE=300^ we will stop completely! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Sad SAY ^PAUSE=600^ PLAY Alert SAY Oh yes! ^PAUSE=300^ SAY There are some terms that may be new to you. SAY If you want to see them before the {prez entation=presentation} click on the New Words button. PLAY Point225 SAY ^PAUSE=800^ PLAY Announce2 SAY These keywords in the text are red and underlined, ^PAUSE=300^ if you click on a highlighted word you will see a ^EMPHASIS^short definition PLAY GestureDown SAY at the bottom of the page. ^PAUSE=800^ END New Words © ORCA Education Limited 2005

2 Vitamins Water soluble Fat soluble
Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are needed for good health and growth. Most foods contain some vitamins and eating a variety of foods should meet the needs of most people. Vitamin deficiency is rare in Britain today. There are two groups of vitamins: water-soluble and fat-soluble. Water soluble inc. vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and the B group. Dissolve in water and cannot be stored in the body. Fat soluble inc. vitamins A, D, E and K. Can be stored in the body including the liver. * ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 42, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY Announce2 SAY OK, ^PAUSE=300^ what about the water soluble {vit-amins=vitamins?} PLAY Explain SAY Well {vit-amin=vitamin} C ^PAUSE=300^ and the B group of {vit-amins=vitamins} ^PAUSE=300^ are {excreeted=excreted} in urine so the foods that contain ^EMPHASIS^these {vit-amins=vitamins} should be eaten ^EMPHASIS^every day. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Acknowledge SAY Citrus fruit and vegetables are ^EMPHASIS^good sources of {vit-amin=vitamin} C. ^PAUSE=500^ SAY Cereal based foods, ^PAUSE=300^ meat ^PAUSE=300^ and dairy products are ^EMPHASIS^good sources of {vit-amin=vitamin} B. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Surprised SAY Oh yes, ^PAUSE=300^ you have to be careful how your vegetables are cooked^EMPHASIS^ as water based {vit-amins=vitamins} are ^EMPHASIS^lost when cooked in water. ^PAUSE=600^ PLAY Decline SAY Overcooked vegetables lose their {flavor=flavour} ^PAUSE=300^ and texture as well and can be pretty ^EMPHASIS^disgusting. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY GestureLeft SAY How about the fat soluble {vit-amins=vitamins?} ^PAUSE=800^ PLAY Explain2 SAY Fat soluble {vit-amins=vitamins} are stored in the body, ^PAUSE=300^ so it is ^EMPHASIS^not necessary for these to be eaten every day. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY HandsOnHips SAY Foods rich in these {vit-amins=vitamins} are meat and animal products, ^PAUSE=300^ oily fish like herring, ^PAUSE=300^ sardine and mackerel, ^PAUSE=300^ fruit and vegetables. PLAY Alert SAY {vit-amin=Vitamin} D is interesting. ^PAUSE=300^ SAY {vit-amin=Vitamin} D is made under the skin from exposure to the sun. ^PAUSE=300^ Some people are ^EMPHASIS^rarely exposed to sun on their skin and must then get the {vit-amin=vitamin} through their diet. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY Imagine if you lived in Greenland ^EMPHASIS^with no sunlight for six months of the year!^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY CrossArms END

3 Why does she need vitamins?
vitality energy Vitamins are vital for her health including: skin teeth Natural Antioxidants may reduce risk of cancer and heart disease. Carrots, broccoli, vegetable oils, tomatoes, citrus fruits are some foods that are high in antioxidants. healing wounds body tissue bones fertility ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 42, 68 PLAY Show2 SAY ^EMPHASIS^Wo, ^PAUSE=300^ I hate it when that happens! ^PAUSE=300^ PLAY Think SAY Sorry, ^PAUSE=300^ ^EMPHASIS^what am I doing here? ^PAUSE=1500^ PLAY LookRight SAY Oh yes! ^PAUSE=300^ PLAY GestureRight SAY Which foods have ^EMPHASIS^manufactured {vit-amins=vitamins} added to them? ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Announce2 SAY Well^PAUSE=300^ breakfast cereals, ^PAUSE=300^ fruit drinks, ^PAUSE=200^ bread, ^PAUSE=100^ and {margareen=margarine} to name just a few! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY However, people in Britain are ^EMPHASIS^rarely deficient in {vit-amins=vitamins} as we have enough to eat ^EMPHASIS^and generally eat a range of foods. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Sad SAY This is ^EMPHASIS^not the case for 200 million children in poor countries where {vit-amin=vitamin} deficiency is a major health problem! ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY HandsOnHips SAY Deficiency diseases cause many health problems including blindness, ^PAUSE=300^ bone damage ^PAUSE=300^ rickets, ^PAUSE=300^ scurvy, other skin problems^PAUSE=300^ and poor growth. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Read SAY Deficiency diseases in poor countries is quite a big subject! PLAY ReadReturn SAY You will have to look all of these up and do your own research to find out more. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Suggest SAY Oh yes, ^PAUSE=300^ one other thing! ^PAUSE=300^ PLAY Confused SAY Do you think that people in Britain ^EMPHASIS^need to take {vit-amin=vitamin} tablets? SAY Many people do, ^PAUSE=600^ but taking ^EMPHASIS^high doses of {vit-amins=vitamins} can be toxic and make you ill. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Wave END blood prevent anaemia nervous system Which foods have manufactured vitamins added to them? * antioxidants.

4 Minerals We eat for enjoyment but we must also eat what our body needs. There are 19 different minerals needed by the body. The main ones are calcium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium and chlorides (table salt) and magnesium. Some minerals are needed only in small amounts called trace elements such as iron, copper and zinc. They each do different things which help to maintain body processes and body tissue.

5 What happens if the body is deficient in calcium? *
Calcium is abundant in many foods and hard drinking water The teeth and bones contain 99% of the calcium in the body. It is also used for the heart, muscles and nervous system. We need to eat enough calcium while bones are growing and thickening. Elderly people who may suffer from osteoporosis also need calcium. ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 42, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY Announce2 SAY The amount of any food substance you need for your age ^PAUSE=300^ and sex ^PAUSE=200^ is called the reference nutrient intake. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Point45 SAY The reference nutrient intake for calcium ^PAUSE=300^ in fifteen to eighteen year olds^PAUSE=300^ is one thousand milligrams a day for a boy ^PAUSE=300^ and eight hundred for a girl. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY Eating milk, ^PAUSE=300^ cheese, ^PAUSE=300^ yoghurt, ^PAUSE=200^ white bread, nuts and leafy green vegetables will give you ^EMPHASIS^lots of calcium. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY GestureLeft SAY The skeleton is like a calcium bank where calcium is deposited. ^PAUSE=800^ PLAY Surprised SAY If there is not enough calcium available in the diet, less calcium is deposited ^PAUSE=300^ which will result in a lower bone mass and weaker skeleton. ^PAUSE=600^ This causes weakening and thinning of the bones in later life. PLAY Explain2 SAY People who are not exposed to ^EMPHASIS^sunlight, may also have a calcium deficiency if they do not have enough {vit-amin=vitamin} D. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY HandsOnHips SAY Did you know^PAUSE=300^ that after the age of 30 ^PAUSE=300^ your body starts to ^EMPHASIS^lose calcium.^PAUSE=1300^ SAY I am not worried though!^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Pleased SAY You think I am not worried about calcium because I am under 30!^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain3 SAY No, ^PAUSE=300^ I do not have to worry about calcium deficiency at all. ^PAUSE=300^ But ^EMPHASIS^exploding pixels is another issue! END Vitamin D is needed for the absorption of calcium. What happens if the body is deficient in calcium? *

6 Found in animal based foods, easily absorbed.
Iron Haem iron Found in animal based foods, easily absorbed. Iron forms part of haemoglobin in red blood cells used for transporting oxygen around the body. There are two forms: Tea and coffee, phytates found in raw bran and phospho-protein in eggs will inhibit absorption. Non-haem Found in plant foods, not so easily absorbed but absorption is increased when eaten with vitamin C rich foods. ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 42, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY Think SAY So how do you know if you are {anemic=anaemic?} ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY Tiredness, ^PAUSE=300^ weakness and a pale complexion ^PAUSE=300^ are ^EMPHASIS^all symptoms of iron deficiency or {anemia=anaemia.} ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY SitRight SAY Do you think ^EMPHASIS^I look a little pale? ^PAUSE=700^ Do you think I am not eating enough spinach? ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY Girls and women are ^EMPHASIS^sometimes deficient as blood is lost during the menstrual cycle and they may need iron tablets. ^PAUSE=300^ For this reason, ^EMPHASIS^women need more iron than ^EMPHASIS^men. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Announce2 SAY Offal, ^EMPHASIS^ meat, ^EMPHASIS^pulses and breakfast cereals with iron ^EMPHASIS^supplements are good sources of iron. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY GestureRight SAY You know it is ^EMPHASIS^odd with some things you eat or drink ^PAUSE=300^ like tea and coffee. PLAY Surprised SAY You would think you could eat and drink what you want and when you want it! ^PAUSE=300^ PLAY Acknowledge SAY You would think your body could just^PAUSE=300^ ^EMPHASIS^sort out ^PAUSE=300^ how to use the things it needs. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY But your body is like a chemistry experiment, ^PAUSE=300^ some chemicals react together well ^PAUSE=300^ and others badly. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY LookRight SAY Things like tea and coffee PLAY Alert SAY which contain tannin or bran which contain phytates ^PAUSE=300^ will bind with the iron and other minerals stopping them from being absorbed. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY Whereas vitamin C in the food^PAUSE=300^ will actually ^EMPHASIS^help you absorb the iron!^PAUSE=1300^ END

7 How can we cut down on our salt intake? *
The body needs salt for water balance, nerve and muscle function. Too much salt is linked with high blood pressure and heart disease. The recommended daily intake is 6gms but the average is 9gms. Where does the salt in our diet come from? ^*#{}#*^ SHOW peedy, peedy.acs, 32, 68 PLAY Wave SAY Hello I am Peedy. PLAY GestureLeft SAY So how do we cut down on salt intake? ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY In the animal kingdom we will ^EMPHASIS^find the salt we need at salt licks ^PAUSE=300^ and we do not ^EMPHASIS^normally have a problem of too much salt. ^PAUSE=1300^ LOOP 5=Idle2_2 PLAY Uncertain SAY My trouble is I ^EMPHASIS^cannot resist ^PAUSE=300^ all your ^EMPHASIS^human {pro sessed=processed} foods. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY I have got to cut down on the salted crackers, ^PAUSE=500^ crisps, ^PAUSE=300^ salt on my chips, ^PAUSE=500^ and having so many of those take-aways. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Decline SAY But is there anything else I can do? ^PAUSE=300^ PLAY Announce SAY Read the food labels. ^PAUSE=300^ It says here that high blood pressure and heart disease is associated with high salt intake ^PAUSE=300^ and other lifestyle factors, ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Sad SAY such as lack of exercise and increased body weight ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY LookDown SAY Do you think I am starting to look a little ^EMPHASIS^tubby? ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY Time for some exercise! END How can we cut down on our salt intake? *

8 Why do we need water? What should we drink? *
About 65% of our body is made of water. It is a major component of blood. We need water for body processes such as digestion and excretion. Water helps regulate temperature e.g. when we sweat. What should we drink? * We lose water and therefore it needs to be replaced or we would become dehydrated and unwell. Foods contain water but we should drink about eight watery drinks a day. ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 42, 68 PLAY Wave PLAY GestureLeft SAY The best thing to drink is ^EMPHASIS^water. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain SAY There are lots of cool mineral water drinks for you to choose from. ^PAUSE=600^ PLAY Confused SAY That is ^EMPHASIS^cool as in trendy^PAUSE=500^ and not just cool as in ^PAUSE=300^ not warm. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Decline SAY Just think of all those ^EMPHASIS^empty calories in a typical bottle of sweet fizzy drink. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY CrossArms SAY Even the diet versions do not sound too good when you read the label ^PAUSE=300^ and find out how many additives there are. ^PAUSE=800^ END

9 What foods are high in fibre? *
NSP Dietary fibre is called non-starch polysaccharide. Fibre is the non digestible part of food which passes through the digestive system and keeps it functioning properly. Insoluble fibre helps stools become soft and bulky and helps waste move through the large intestine. Soluble fibre helps control blood sugar and reduce blood cholesterol. Both may help prevent bowel disorders e.g. constipation and bowel cancer. ^*#{}#*^ SHOW tom, tom.acs, 42, 68 PLAY Wave SAY Hello. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Announce2 SAY The average intake of {fiber=fibre} in Britain ^PAUSE=300^ is just twelve grams per day. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Decline SAY But this is ^EMPHASIS^not enough! PLAY Explain SAY It has been recommended that this should rise to ^EMPHASIS^eighteen grams per day for an adult. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY HandsOnHips SAY There are many health benefits ^PAUSE=300^ and basically more {fiber=fibre} in our diet will make us ^EMPHASIS^feel better. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Explain2 SAY Foods high in ^EMPHASIS^insoluble {fiber=fibre} are ^PAUSE=300^ fruits, ^PAUSE=200^ vegetables and cereal-based products^PAUSE=300^ especially whole-wheat versions like whole-meal spaghetti or {lasanya=lasagne.} PLAY Explain3 SAY These foods also provide lots of ^EMPHASIS^other nutrients. ^PAUSE=1300^ SAY Good sources of ^EMPHASIS^soluble {fiber=fibre}^PAUSE=300^ are pulses, ^PAUSE=300^ fruit ^PAUSE=300^ and vegetables. ^PAUSE=1300^ PLAY Think END What foods are high in fibre? *

10 Dietary Reference Values
DRVs are estimates of the amount of energy and nutrients needed by different groups of healthy people. These were based on advice given by the Committee of Medical Aspects of Food and Nutrition Policy(COMA) in the 1990s The DRVs for this 18 year old girl are: protein 45g energy 2110kcal dietary fibre 12-24g starch 39% of food energy saturates less than 11% NME sugars 11% of food energy fats less than 35% of food energy plus vitamins and minerals. *

11 Nutrient Requirements
Not everyone needs the same amount of any nutrient This diagram shows how the nutrient requirements of the population of a country like the UK would look if plotted on a scatter graph. Estimated Average Requirement Lower Reference Nutrient Intake Reference Nutrient Intake

12 Recommended Daily Amounts
Nutrition food labels do not refer to DRVs. Most packaging only have recommended daily amounts or guideline daily amounts. This is in accordance with the Food Labelling Regulations 1984. What information is given on this cereal packet about nutrition? *

13 Some words or terms to learn
Vocabulary Some words or terms to learn Micro-nutrients Vitamin deficiency Antioxidants Body processes Nervous system Osteoporosis Phytates High blood pressure Dehydrated Cholesterol DRV Nutrient requirements LRNI EAR RNI Recommended daily amount *

14 The Task You can enter here a task for your students.

15 End End Show Acknowledgements
All images used in these presentations are the property of their owners, ORCA Education Limited and suppliers inc. Hemera Images, Jupiter Media Corp. and Animation Factory All rights are reserved. The Licence agreement applies to all elements of these presentations. ORCA.VT is a trademark of ORCA Education Limited Microsoft Agent is the property of Microsoft Corporation, Redmond WA. ORCA Education Limited are licensed distributors of Microsoft Agent technology Licence The Microsoft Agent Technology elements including Peedy character may not be distributed beyond the constraints of this product licence Microsoft Agent characters Susan and Tom are packaged with this product as part of the Vox Proxy development tools used by ORCA Education. They are not for resale or distribution beyond their use in these products ^*#{}#*^ SHOW peedy, peedy.acs, 83, 80

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