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Science and ICT in sport

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1 Science and ICT in sport
Social factors Science and ICT in sport

2 Science Think of examples how science/technology has benefited sport in the following categories Equipment Materials Facilities

3 equipment Lighter, stronger and more durable equipment.

4 Materials The development of synthetic materials has revolutionised sportswear

5 facilities Purpose built facilities – safety pits

6 Stadia have retractable roofs

7 ICT in Sport ICT has had a huge impact in sport, some areas that benefit sport are: Data recording and storage – eg. GCSE spreadsheets to track performance. On your white board give examples of software that helps with; Performance Analysis Performance Aids.

8 Performance Analysis Dartfish- features such as – Déjà vu, stromotion. Enables performers to watch their performance and get feedback to improve performance.

9 Other examples ProZone- video Digitial camera Video cameras
Slow motion replays

10 Performance Aids Fitness monitoring – devices can now monitor HR, BP and training zones to give a performer feedback on fitness. Are working at overload, to improve performance. Hawk-eye – used in cricket, tennis to aid decision making for contentious decisions eg. LBW, a close line call. Video-ref – to aid decision making in sports like rugby, information sent via a wireless transmission to the ref.

11 Exam question Developments in technology have provided benefits to many performers. State a technological development. Explain, using a specific example, how it is used and the benefit it has had on a named physical activity. (4)

12 Exam answer Award up to four marks for a correct response. A development has to be stated for one mark, the effect it has must be described for one mark and an actual example must be given for one mark, and one mark for identifying that it enables correct decisions to be made or for incorrect ones to be overruled. Examples include: • the use of instant video replays/ it allows a third official to review a play and make a decision/ used for tries in rugby/ run outs in cricket etc./ enables correct decisions to be made • infra red beams which can detect objects crossing them/ allows officials to tell if balls are in or out/ or when athletes have crossed a line (for timings)/ cyclops in tennis or electronic timing in athletics etc. • tracing devices which can track the flight or direction of a ball/ shows where a ball would land or hit an object/ hawkeye in both tennis and cricket Accept the above plus any other suitable examples.

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