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Level System Standard English.

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1 Level System Standard English

2 Levels of Essay Writing in 12Std2
Same as level 5 but with integrated contextual information about the composer. Level 6 - Same as level 4 but with 3-5 body paragraphs, significant use of comparative language and significant use of critical language -Possibly paragraphs organised by idea rather than poem (not mandatory) Level 5 - Structured introduction and conclusion - Same as level 3 but with 3-4 body paragraphs and some comparative language Level 4 - Some form of Introduction and conclusion - 2 body paragraphs that follow the PETAAAAAL structure with multiple techniques (at least 3) in each paragraph and at least 2 quotes per paragraph) - Some critical language used making comments on the purpose and or effectiveness of the text. Level 3 - Some form of Introduction/ body/ conclusion - Body consists of some PETAL paragraphs (2-3) that mention ideas in the text with some evidence from the text (technique/quote per paragraph) Level 2 - Some form of Introduction/ body/ conclusion - Body consists of some form of paragraphs (1-2) that mention some of the ideas in the text Level 1

3 Levels System 12Std2 Note: Levels are not equated with bands. Just because you are at a level 2 does not mean you are at a band 2, likewise level 6 does not mean band 6. It is just a simple way to look at the different places our writing is at and how to improve it Do not try to jump levels. We can not fix everything at once. Pick one aspect to improve upon and work on that. If you want to improve faster do more drafts If you are limited by speed of handwriting it will be challenging to push beyond a level 4 however when you have successfully attained a level 4 you can look at putting in some of the language from the higher levels.

4 How to

5 Level 1 Some form of Introduction/ body/ conclusion - Body consists of some form of paragraphs (1-2) that mention some of the ideas in the text Use a PETAL scaffold to structure your paragraphs in terms of your ideas TO LEVEL UP TO 2….

6 Level 2 Some form of Introduction/ body/ conclusion - Body consists of some PETAL paragraphs (2-3) that mention ideas in the text with some evidence from the text (technique/quote per paragraph) - Use the PETAAAAAL scaffold to put more depth in your paragraphs. Remember you will need multiple techniques (3+) and 2-3 quotes to make your point - Use the critical language glossary and try to use some of these words effectively in your essay TO LEVEL UP TO 3….

7 Level 3 - Some form of Introduction and conclusion - 2 body paragraphs that follow the PETAAAAAL structure with multiple techniques (at least 3) in each paragraph and at least 2 quotes per paragraph) - Some critical language used making comments on the purpose and or effectiveness of the text. Use the introduction and conclusion scaffolds to add more structure Create a Venn diagram to compare the texts you are writing about Use the comparative language glossary and make some comparisons between the texts in your essay Write plenty of timed drafts to allow you to produce 3-4 paragraphs in 40 minutes TO LEVEL UP TO 4….

8 Level 4 Structured introduction and conclusion - Same as level 3 but with 3-4 body paragraphs and some comparative language Use the comparative language and critical language glossaries and try to incorporate more consistently throughout the entire essay Possibly paragraphs organised by idea rather than poem (not mandatory but recommended) Practice writing full essays within 40minute timeframes without notes to allow you to reproduce your prepared essay under exam conditions Practice adapting your essay to different essay questions using past papers and language from the rubic to form questions for yourself TO LEVEL UP TO 5….

9 Level 5 - Same as level 4 but with 3-5 body paragraphs, significant use of comparative language and significant use of critical language -Possibly paragraphs organised by idea rather than poem (not mandatory) Use contextual information scaffold and try to integrate information about the composer that has an impact on the intended meaning of the text TO LEVEL UP TO 6….

10 Scaffolds needed PETAL scaffold PETAAAAAL scaffold
critical language glossary Introduction and conclusion scaffold Venn Diagram comparative language glossary the rubric contextual information scaffold











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