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The drinking age applies to Mules too!

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1 The drinking age applies to Mules too!
Matthew McKinney English 115A * Professor Sheriff The Problem Colby students under the legal drinking age (21) of Maine are consuming alcohol. The law has lost authority and legitimacy because of a lack of enforcement. To say Colby College has an underage drinking problem can be true one day and false another. Responsible drinking is not a problem; it is something Colby accepts and encourages. However, frequent and heavy drinking is common on campus, and carries with it substantial consequences. Why It’s a Problem When done irresponsibly, underage drinking… Interferes with the main purposes of Colby College: Academics, athletics, and community. Causes harm to individuals and the community: Illness, injury, dorm damage, sexual assault. Hurts the college’s image/reputation. Colby’s History With Alcohol Incidents by the Numbers $36.01 of dorm damage paid per resident of Piper Hall in 2008. 50 alcohol-related emergency room visits during the school year. 56 Colby students summoned on alcohol charges in one weekend (2011). Current Policies and Programs Freshmen must complete a two-part alcohol class on-line. As of 2010, hard alcohol (liquor) is banned on campus. Parties with alcohol must be hosted by a student 21 years or older who has completed “party host training”. My Proposal: Punishment and Reward Colby students should be given any and all freedom they can handle, including the choice of whether or not to use alcohol. When such freedoms are abused, students should have their freedoms and privileges taken away. On the other hand, if students cooperate, they should be rewarded. Limits will be established to define the maximum number of alcohol-related incidents Colby will tolerate. Think of them as a threshold Colby students cannot break. If they do, they will be punished; if they don’t, they will be rewarded. In essence, there has to be an incentive for students to drink responsibly. Limits Sexual Assault: Zero tolerance. Drinking and Driving: Zero tolerance. 5 Hospitalizations per semester. $800 dollars of dorm damage per semester. Punishments On campus drinking will be limited to Friday and Saturday. Campus security will patrol parking lots for intoxicated students. Campus security will patrol dorms; they will have the authority to terminate any parties they deem inappropriate/dangerous. Any resistance to the aforementioned policies will result in disciplinary action from administration, relative to its severity. Rewards If the limits are maintained for a semester, students will be exempt from “party host training”. Kegs will be allowed in any residence hall. Potential Outcomes From Initiating Proposal Positive Students will be held accountable by friends and peers to drink responsibly; nobody will want to be the one to breach the limits. Culture of safety will be established through acknowledgment and respect of limits, and fear of punishments. Negative Students will ignore the limits and resist punishments. Feasibility and Requirements Will Students and Administration Accept it? The majority of Colby students and administration feel strongly about maintaining healthy party habits and responsible use of alcohol. Therefore it is not unimaginable for Colby students to agree to the proposal. Furthermore, I think Colby students will respond positively to a system of merit; a system that gives them power and control. 9/10 Colby students agree drinking to the point of vomiting is dangerous and wrong. 7/10 Colby students report consuming fewer than 4 drinks on weekend evenings. Concerns Some students may not feel comfortable or think it is fair for their freedom to be controlled by others. Colby students may think the proposal kills fun. Requirements Administration has to keep track of limits and enforce punishments and rewards. Campus security may be working longer hours and handling more tasks; administration may need to increase their salary. Copyright Colin Purrington (

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