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6th Grade Language Arts and Literature

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1 6th Grade Language Arts and Literature
Curriculum Night 2017 6th Grade Language Arts and Literature Mrs. Kubala

2 Who is Mrs. Kubala? I graduated from Libertyville High School and went to St. Norbert College. I earned my Master’s Degree from St. Xavier University. This is my 16th year at Highland. Go Hornets! I have three kids. Kate is in first grade, and I have three year old twins named Robbie and Caroline. Interests: traveling, camping, reading, listening to music, spending time with family and friends, cheering on the Cubs, Bears, and Blackhawks

3 6th Grade Language Arts & Literature
Students are with me for about 80 minutes a day. Students stay with each other for language arts and literature. Students will use skills from language arts and literature in both classes.

4 Curriculum Organization
Language Arts: 100 Greek and Latin Stems Writing skills: -> argumentative writing -> written responses to literature (CER) Grammar: Eight Parts of Speech Literature: Novel Units Variety of short stories Reading strategies Response to literature and text support Nonfiction articles

5 Binder Organization Students will use a binder system with divider tabs for each part of the curriculum. - Stems - Grammar - Literature

6 Greek and Latin Stems Stems are parts of words that have meanings.
Goal = build vocabulary and understand words 100 stems on the sixth grade list Stems are organized by sixth grade science, math, and social studies topics. Examples: geo=earth graph=write Geography= writing of the earth (maps) acro=high polis=city Acropolis= high city (Greek history)

7 Greek and Latin Stems Cumulative quiz at the end of each list stems by the end of the year Quizlet -> stem review and extra credit (match)

8 Grammar 8 Parts of Speech
- nouns, verbs, prepositions, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, conjunctions, & interjections Grammar Usage -> identify parts of speech and application with writing

9 Writing Argumentative Writing
Reader Response and text support -> CER (claim, evidence, reasoning)

10 Literature Textbook  various short stories, elements of plot, & reading strategies Novel Units -> active reading notes (annotations) -> Each student must purchase Crooked River by Shelley Pearsall. Independent Reading Time -> monthly reading logs with reading goals, weekly Learning Center reading time (every Tuesday) 40 Book Challenge -> due the last week of school

11 E-mail is the best way to contact me!
Resources -> stem practice -> grammar practice Classroom Website & Google Classroom Website is updated daily with homework, special events, or upcoming assignments Documents & assignments are on Google Classroom is the best way to contact me!

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