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Funeral Service Associations

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1 Funeral Service Associations

2 Readings Question #1 HAFD Page 291
Describe the 2 basic types of associations that were prevalent in 19th Century America. “personal service” vocations modeled themselves after professional associations funeral establishments were patterned after the “guilds”

3 Instruments to Assist Associations
HAFD Page 292 1) education prerequisites and training institutions 2) regulatory system developed by the state : tremendous growth of professional and trade associations

4 Readings Question #2 HAFD Page 293
Describe the 2 significant socio-cultural movements of the late 19th century. What prompted these initiatives?

5 Readings Question #3 HAFD Page 298
Describe the changing role of the funeral director in the late 19th century in America. Late 19th century saw the development of strong occupational groups at local, state, and national levels.

6 Readings Question #4 Where and when did the first formal organization of American undertakers occur? What was it called? What was the “black book”? (Plate 65 page 313) : undertakers founded associations in most of the major cities for the purposes of mutual protection, dispensing information and setting preliminary trade standards

7 Readings Question #5 HAFD page 300
Who was Allen Durfee? What impact did he have on undertakers on a state and national level?

8 Readings Question #6 HAFD Page 302
What were the 3 significant events that took place at the first national convention for undertakers?

9 Pressures, Interests and Motives
The late 19th century was a period marked by proliferation and tremendous expansion of associations. (trade, professional, semi-professional) Associations and agencies were looking to transact necessary business on a state or national level with funeral directors.

10 Readings Question #7 HAFD page 303
What were the 2 basic motivating factors that impelled funeral directors to form associations?

11 Readings Question #8 HAFD Page 308
When and where was the first Code of Ethics created for funeral directors? What did it include?

12 Communication Within the Trade
HAFD Page 309 salesman or “drummer”: “travelling salesmen who went from town to town selling their products. Early embalmers often obtained their products and training in this manner.” brought news of the trade and other FDs 1871: first trade paper “The Undertaker” 1876: “The Casket” ($1/year) Journals were an important means of communication.

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