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Presentation on theme: "PARTICIPATING DISTRICTS"— Presentation transcript:

SEMNET Leveraging Resources PARTICIPATING DISTRICTS Byron LeRoy-Ostrander Caledonia Lewiston-Altura Chatfield Lyle Dover-Eyota Mabel-Canton Faribault Pine Island Glenville-Emmons Plainview-Elgin-Millville Grand Meadow Red Wing Houston Rushford-Peterson Kingsland SSC Lake City Southland Lanesboro St. Charles La Crescent Stewartville Hayfield

2 Future Education Assumptions Objectives Resources Implementation
SEMNET Leveraging Resources AGENDA Vision Future Education Assumptions Objectives Resources Implementation Timeline Clusters

Leveraging Resources FUTURE ASSUMPTIONS Infusion of technology into instruction will continue The demand for bandwidth will continue to increase Network management requirements within districts will increase

4 SEMNET Leveraging Resources VISION Expand the capabilities of SEMNET across all of Southern Minnesota to include linking all schools with fiber, leveraging E-Rate and TEA funding, and developing a SEMNET network management structure in support of all districts.

5 SEMNET Leveraging Resources OBJECTIVES Enlist participating districts into MN South for the 2015 E-Rate cycle and establish a timeline for requirements. Establish a roster of network managers within SEMNET and formulate a business model for their training and development. Identify hardware/software resource needs for participating districts. Develop a public relations presentation for Superintendents/School Boards. Examine the benefits of network ownership

6 SEMNET RESOURCES SEMNET Governing Board MN South Leadership SEMNET
Leveraging Resources RESOURCES SEMNET Governing Board MN South Leadership SEMNET Superintendents Districts Network Managers

Leveraging Resources IMPLEMENTATION Phase I: Workgroup members present preliminary plan to selected school districts. Provide update to SEMNET board, requesting plan approval Phase II: Initiate Form 470’s for internet and network management requirements Phase III: Request for bids

8 SEMNET TIMELINE Identify projects (by mid Nov)
Leveraging Resources TIMELINE Identify projects (by mid Nov) SEMNET Develop RFQ's in conjunction with interested districts (early Dec)  Districts articulate and post 470 language (mid Dec) SEMNET approve post RFQ's and officially post (30 days) and distribute to vendors (Mid Dec) SEMNET Solicit bids: deadline  (Feb 1) SEMNET select quote/s (early Feb) Districts consider SEMNET quote, locally approve (Feb board meetings) SEMNET Execute contracts with ISP and Districts (mid-late Feb) Form 471's filed (end of Feb 2015)

9 SEMNET CLUSTERS Leveraging Resources Cluster 1 Faribault Pine Island
Byron Hayfield SSC Stewartville MN South G-E Lyle Southland L-O Grand Meadow Kingsland Cluster 2 Lewiston-Altura P-E-M Dover-Eyota Chatfield Red Wing Lake City St. Charles Cluster 3 Mabel-Canton Caledonia La Crescent Houston Rushford Lanesboro 1 2 MN South 3 Internet Contract Renewal 2016 Internet Contract Renewal 2015 Network Mgr E-Rate Available Network Mgr E-Rate Completed

10 SEMNET Leveraging Resources


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