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가톨릭대학교 의과대학 안과 및 시과학교실 서울성모병원 AP.박영훈 / R3박진형
Retina conference 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 안과 및 시과학교실 서울성모병원 AP.박영훈 / R3박진형
Case #1
Chief Complaint Dec. VA (OD) onset: 3 wks ago Patient: 39/F 김 O 숙
Present Illness 30세 여자 상환 13년 전 LASIK(OU) 받은 분으로 근시퇴행 있어 6개월 전 우안 추가 LASEK 후 관찰 중 (당시 우안 시력 중간 정도까지는 보였다고 함) 내원 3~4주전부터 우안의 시력감소 있어 망막 정밀검사 위해 의뢰됨 Nyctalopia(+) : 어렸을 때부터 FHx. of nyctalopia(+) : 어머니 URI Hx.(-) Headache(+) : 내원 2~3주전 -> 구토 동반되었음 Temporal Td(-/-) Travel Hx.(+) : 3주전 파리 출장 Brain evaluation Hx.(-) Syncope Hx.(+) 20대 때 VF defect(-) EOM pain(-)
History DM/HBP (-/-) Ocular op/trauma(+/-) 13년 전 LASIK(OU)
6개월 전 LASEK(OD) at local Gls (-) Eye drop (+) 인공누액
Physical Examination VA OD 0.08 (N-C) OS 0.63 (1.0) IOP 29 / 15 mmHg
EOM Straight at 1' position by ACT , No LOM(OU) Orbit No exophthalmos(OU) Lid OU No swellling Conj. OU not injected Cornea OU LASIK flap scar(+) AC OD Deep& cell(-) OS Deep& cell(-) Pupil OD round & 4.5mm sized, LR(+) OS round & 2mm sized, LR(+), RAPD(+/-), NVI(-/-) Lens OU mild cortical opacity Fds OD tilted disc (CDR 0.8/0.8) c PPA c flat post.pole OS tilted disc (CDR 0.8/0.8) c PPA c flat post.pole
Fundus photography OU
Disc photo & ONFL photo OU
Disc : OD sup & inf RNFLD OS sup RNFLD FDT : OD central defects OS nasal defects
MRI Brain T1 enhance랑 T2에서 optic nerve나 sheath는 intact 해보임
MRI Brain T1 enhance에서 양측 MCA가 안보임
우측은 collateral Br.가 발달되었고 좌측은 brain volume 감소로 보아 오래된 ischemia로 atrophic change가 왔음 Whitish dot들이 ischemic change site임
Differential diagonosis
Cue list MRI Brain : Leptomeningeal collaterals without visible bilateral proximal MCA Elevated IOP(OD), RNFL defect(OU) Imp. R/O moyamoya disease G. suspect (OU) Plan NS consult O-COST(OD), O-BMDP(OD), O-LTP(OU) VF (OU)
4-Vessel angiography – 3days later
일단 ophthalmic a.는 intact 해보임 Brain 안쪽은 다 ICA가 supply 해야하는데 4VA 소견 상 ICA에서 나오는 ACA나 MCA가 안보이고 Collateral만 보임 ECA는 원래 scalp level만 supply 해야 하는데 occipital a.와 연결되어 brain에 supply 하고있음 ACA는 ICA에서 The angiography showed 1) Not visuable beyond communicating segment of right ICA and well developed basal collateral circulation via PCA 2) Right ACA territory was supplied from anterior falx artery 3) Right PCA territory was supplied from transosseous branch of occipital artery. 4) Not visuable beyond ophthalmic segment of left ICA 5) Left ACA territory was supplied from anterior falx artery 6) Transdural anastomosis of left MMA posterior branch 7) Well developed basal collateral circulation originated from both PCA 8) Hypertrophic tentorial marginall branch of meningohypophysial trunk. both and these artery partially supply both PCA territory
4-Vessel angiography – 3days later
양측 다 아지랑이 모양의 collateral Br.만 잔뜩 보임 – moyamoya의 전형적인 소견 ACA는 ICA에서 The angiography showed 1) Not visuable beyond communicating segment of right ICA and well developed basal collateral circulation via PCA 2) Right ACA territory was supplied from anterior falx artery 3) Right PCA territory was supplied from transosseous branch of occipital artery. 4) Not visuable beyond ophthalmic segment of left ICA 5) Left ACA territory was supplied from anterior falx artery 6) Transdural anastomosis of left MMA posterior branch 7) Well developed basal collateral circulation originated from both PCA 8) Hypertrophic tentorial marginall branch of meningohypophysial trunk. both and these artery partially supply both PCA territory Plan : encephaloduroarteriogaleasynangiosis STA(ECA) – MCA(ICA) anastomosis
Visual field OU – 1wk later
Diagnosis Plan Moyamoya Dz. POAG(OD) NTG(OS)
Brain SPECT – after anastomosis
시술 후 Perfusion을 보기 위한 SPECT 좌측은 안정 시, 우측은 혈관을 dilation 시키는 약물 투여 시 좌측이 우측에 비해 덜 빨감 – 덜 perfusion 됨
Case #2
Chief Complaint Dec. VA (OD) onset: 1 wk ago Patient: 33/M 최 O 환
Present Illness 33세 남자 일주일 전 갑자기 우안 시력 저하 생겼으며 local에서 당뇨병성망막병증일 가능성 높다고 하여 further evaluation 위해 내원함
History BP 200/100 mmHg DM/HBP (-/+) for 5yrs, no medi.
Ocular op/trauma(-/-) Gls (+) Eye drop (-) BP 200/100 mmHg
Physical Examination VA OD 0.02 (0.4) OS 0.1 (1.0) IOP 16 / 17 mmHg
EOM Straight at 1' position by ACT , No LOM(OU) Orbit No exophthalmos(OU) Lid OU No swellling Conj. OU not injected Cornea OU clear AC OU Deep& cell(-) Pupil OU round & nl sized, LR(+), RAPD(-/-), NVI(-/-) Lens OU mild cortical opacity Fds OU blurred disc margin c papilledema flame shaped Hm. c tortous peripapillary vv. exudative lesions c multiple CWS OD ME(+)
Fundus photography OU
Differential diagonosis
Cue list Slit lamp exam : ME(OD) disc swelling(OU) retinal Hm. c hard exudates, CWS (OU) Imp. R/O DM retinopathy(OU) R/O hypertensive retinopahty(OU) Plan ME consultation for lab. Intravit. Avastin inj.(OD) BUN/Cr 30.2 / 2.40 Blood glucose 107 HbA1c 5.4 Urine glucose (-)
Differential diagonosis
Cue list Slit lamp exam : ME(OD) pseudopapilledema(OU) retinal Hm. c hard exudates, CWP (OU) Imp. R/O DM retinopathy(OU) R/O hypertensive retinopahty(OU) Plan ME consultation for lab. Intravit. Avastin inj.(OD) Done after 1wk BUN/Cr 30.2 / 2.40 Blood glucose 107 HbA1c 5.4 Urine glucose (-)
3mo. F/U Fundus photography OU
3mo. F/U mOCT OD – VA (1.0)
Review : Disc swelling
Disc swelling?
Optic neuropathy DDx Pseudopapilledema ? Systemic dz 동반
Brain MRI 및 CSF 이상소견 FAG 이상소견 VA acute loss Pseudopapilledema ? Leber hereditary optic neuropathy Methanol poisoning Tiled optic disc Peripapillary myelinated nerve fibers Crowded disc in hypermetropia
Optic neuropathy DDx
Disc edema Key features Blurring of the optic disc margins
Anterior extension of the nerve head Venous congestion of arcuate and peripapillary vessels Hyperemia of the optic nerve head
Disc edema Pathophysiology blockage of optic nerve axoplasmic flow
stasis of axoplasmic flow increases venous pressure at or near the lamina cribrosa
Disc edema OCULAR MANIFESTATIONS Mechanical clinical signs
Blurring of the optic disc margins Filling in of the optic disc cup Anterior extension of the nerve head (3D = 1mm of elevation) Edema of the nerve fiber layer Retinal or choroidal folds, or both Vascular clinical signs Venous congestion of arcuate and peripapillary vessels Papillary and retinal peripapillary hemorrhages Nerve fiber layer infarcts (cotton-wool spots) Hyperemia of the optic nerve head Hard exudates of the optic disc.
Disc edema early – fully developed – chronic - late Disc hyperemia
Blurred margin NFL blurring gross elevation of the optic nerve head engorged and dusky veins appear peripapillary splinter hemorrhages Hemorrhages occur disc cup is obliterated completely less disc hyperemia hard exudates occur within the nerve head secondary optic atrophy disc swelling subsides retinal arterioles are narrowed or sheathed optic disc appears dirty gray and blurred
Disc edema SYSTEMIC ASSOCIATIONS acute optic disc edema
axoplasmic stasis, edema, and vascular congestion
Pseudopapilledema papilledema is disc edema secondary to increased intracranial pressure pseudopapilledema is apparent optic disc swelling that simulates some features of papilledema but is secondary to an underlying process(usually benign) Most patients with pseudopapilledema lack visual symptoms no obscuration of the peripapillary vessels by the nerve fiber layer edema may be unilateral or bilateral
Patholphysiology Tilted disc hyperopic eye
the optic nerve enters the eye at an extremely oblique angle, giving a portion a more elevated aspect (usually nasally) hyperopic eye smaller optic cup -> crowding of the axons Myelinated nerve fiber layer can lead to the appearance of a large cup with blurring of the disc margins. disc drusen small conglomerates of mucopolysaccharides and proteinaceous material that become calcified with advancing age
Patholphysiology remnants of the congenital hyaloid system and localized gliosis optic nerve tumors Papillitis vs papilledema?? inflammatory, infiltrative, and infectious conditions syphilis, Lyme disease, and cat-scratch disease anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, optic neuritis, diabetes, sarcoidosis, and leukemic infiltration
Presentation Visual field loss VA Fundus
In many patients with disc drusen, visual field defects eventually develop along with afferent pupil defect, though patients usually remain symptom free. VA A minority of patients with disc drusen experience transient visual flickering or graying out that is similar to transient visual obscurations that are sometimes seen in patients with papilledema. Fundus Edema of the nerve fiber layer that blurs the disc margins and the peripapillary vasculature is a hallmark of true papilledema. Usually, the peripapillary vessels are clearly seen in pseudopapilledema, except in such cases as myelinated nerve fibers. the disc is yellow, the cup may be small or absent, venous congestion is not present, spontaneous venous pulsations are often present, congenitally anomalous vessels may be seen, and the disc abnormality may be familial.
Follow up With disc drusen, The visual prognosis is generally good.
gradual loss of the peripheral visual field may occur and, rarely, loss of central vision The visual prognosis is generally good.
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