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Character/Ethics/ Leadership Overview

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1 Character/Ethics/ Leadership Overview
Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike. — Theodore Roosevelt, American adventurer and 26th president ( )

2 Character Everyone has character, but not everyone has good character (Mother Teresa vs. Adolph Hitler) A person has good character because he/she knows the difference between right and wrong, and tries to do what is right consistently.

3 What is Character??? Who we really are on the inside
What we do when nobody is looking How we treat others who can not help or hurt us How we act/the choices we make on a consistent basis Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. — Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. president

4 What is Ethics??? Standards of duty and virtue that indicate how we should behave; what is right vs. what is wrong (Six Pillars of Character) Ethics is about being a good person Ethics is not about the way things are, it is about how they ought to be

5 Two Aspects of Ethics DISCERNMENT: Ability to discern or know right from wrong DISCIPLINE: Will power to do what is right, regardless of temptation and pressures to do otherwise

6 What does ethics look like in practice???
Giving your personal best effort to live according to the Six Pillars of Character Walking the talk of good character (words match deeds) Doing the right things for the right reasons Pro-active behavior (ACTION)

7 Obstacles to good ethics
Self-rationalization: (i.e. Everyone does it, It’s legal, I didn’t get caught, Others are a lot worse, I’m just following orders, It’s the only way I can win, etc.) Lack of discipline Uncontrolled ambition (win at any cost) Fear, unwillingness to lose, not my job-ism, narcissism)


9 Ethics vs. Values Ethics are universal standards of behavior (Six Pillars of Character) Values are personal, vary person to person, and can be good or bad

10 Leadership: What qualities make a great leader
Leadership: What qualities make a great leader? (From Scott Campbell, Director of 5D Leadership) Great Leaders grow deep roots (consistent behavior, seen and unseen) Character/Integrity (words match deeds) no integrity=no trust. no trust= no followers Vision: Captivated by a clear sense of purpose and rally others around that purpose (where are you going???)

11 What qualities make a great leader (continued)…..
Concern: Great leaders have a deeply rooted concern for those whom they lead Creativity: How do you solve problems and overcome adversity? Results-orientation: Focus on goals and end results. Consider how you will meet your goals. Courage: Making difficult decisions, staying optimistic in the face of challenges

12 Food for thought…… The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically... Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education. — Martin Luther King Jr., American civil rights leader ( ) A man's character is his fate. — Heraclitus, Greek philosopher (c. 540-c. 475 B.C.)

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