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Presentation on theme: "Add a picture of your project here"— Presentation transcript:

1 Add a picture of your project here
Title Page Add a picture of your project here

2 Identification and Exploration of the Need
Motivation: Purpose: Target Audience/Market: How will the intended project be used: How will the project intend to meet the needs of users:

3 Areas Of Investigation
What is to be investigated: How will it be investigated? What are the Parameters? What are the possibilities?

4 Establishing Criteria for Success
Functional Qualities Aesthetic Qualities Most Important Qualities Least important Qualities Project Success

5 Selection of Resources
Justification for the Use of this Resource Finance Time

6 Selection of Resources – pg2
Equipment Other People Research

7 Exploration of Existing Ideas
Description Positive Aspects Negative Interesting

8 Consideration of Design Factors relevant to the DP
Function How will my MDP work? Considerations: Aesthetics How will my MDP look? Will it be appealing?

9 Consideration of Design Factors relevant to the MDP – pg2
Costs You must consider the following: The financial costs involved in designing and manufacturing. Environmental costs including the impact of production on the environment, the impact of obsolescent products on the environment etc. Social costs such as any effect on accepted values, and changes to established cultural norms. Considerations: Ergonomics Ergonomics refers to the relationship between the work environment and the people that work within that environment.

10 Consideration of Design Factors relevant to the MDP – pg3
Safety The safety of a design in terms of its production, use and disposal will influence its success. The design should not pose any health hazards throughout its life cycle to the designer, producer or user. Safety in relation to designing and producing refers to: The safe use of tools, materials and techniques during all stages of the design process. The designer's legislative responsibility for the safety of the design projects they develop The health and safety in handling, use and storage of materials The health and safety in the use of techniques Legislative requirements Considerations:

11 Consideration of Design Factors relevant to the MDP – pg4
Durability How long should my MDP be expected to function? Considerations: Quality Quality has two dimensions: level and consistency. The level of quality refers to the ability of a product to perform its function for an acceptable period of time. The consistency of quality refers to consistently delivering the targeted level of quality to consumers. Quality refers to: Accuracy of Content, Materials Selected, Product Presentation, Function and Durability

12 Consideration of Design Factors relevant to the MDP – pg5
Durability The ability of a design to last for its designated life in the situation or environment for which it has been targeted is a reflection on its durability. The cost of the end product is usually reflective to its durability in that; goods designed to last are generally more expensive. Considerations: Obsolescence Obsolescence refers to when the design is no longer of any use and must be either discarded or recycled. Obsolescence may also result from a design being no longer fashionable, or the design being environmentally unfriendly due to changed conditions or laws. Consideration:

13 Consideration of Design Factors relevant to the MDP – pg6
Sustainability Sustainability means the use of resources so that the natural reserves are not depleted too quickly. Sustainable development can be defined as development that improves the total quality of life, both now and in the future, in a way that maintains the ecological processes on which life depends. Sustainability of the resources used has become increasingly important in the development of environmental strategies at both national and international levels. Consideration: Recycle ability Materials and production methods which might improve the recycle ability of my MDP. Considerations:

14 Research Research Method Description Application Justification
Catalogues Reference Books Internet Search Industry experts Interviews Magazines Previous designs

15 Identification of Resources - Ideas
Analysis Justification

16 Materials Identification Analysis Justification

17 Tools Identification Analysis Justification

18 Techniques Identification Analysis Justification

19 Application of Practical Skills
Practical Skill used Where I used it Why I used it

20 Industrial Practices as they relate to the DP
Production Methods Practices in an Industrial and/or Commercial Setting Practices used in my MDP

21 Industrial Practices as they relate to the DP – pg2
Tools and Equipment Practices in an Industrial and/or Commercial Setting Practices used in my MDP Occupational Health & Safety Practices in an Industrial and/or Commercial Setting Practices used in my MDP

22 Evaluation Log Date: What I Intended to Achieve:
What did I actually Manage to Achieve: Evaluation:

23 Analysis & Evaluation of Functional & Aesthetic Aspects
Functional Qualities Critical Evaluation Aesthetic Qualities Critical Evaluation

24 Final Evaluation with respect to the Impact on Society & Environment
Possible Impact of my MDP on Society Possible Impact of my MDP on the Environment

25 Relationship of DP to the Proposal
Did I do what I said I would in my Proposal? Did I do a good job on my MDP?

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