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Internal analysis of Atlantic Airways

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1 Internal analysis of Atlantic Airways
Justas Kubilius Žilvinas Mickus Giovanni Crabu Martynas Tamulionis

2 Mission, vISIOn and strategy
Transport people, mail and cargo by air back and forth Faroe Islands Vision: Enable Faroese people to travel around the world Provide best service possible Remain the preferred airline carrier in the Faroe Islands Strategy: Cheaper and simpler airfaires Improve route network trough Scandinavian countries A dedicated aircraft for charter flights between markets outside the Faroe Islands will be phased out

3 Value chain


5 Financial analysis Air Greenland Atlantic airways Iceland air 2014
2013 2012 Solvency 58 % 57 % 53 % Liquidity 145 % 129 % 122 % Atlantic airways 2014 2013 2012 Solvency 42 % 51 % 49 % Liquidity 112 % 162 % 147% Iceland air 2014 2013 2012 Solvency 43 % 42 % 39 % Liquidity 83 % 94 %

6 Financial analysis Operating margin of Atlantic Airways is 4,5%
Return on equity of Atlantic Airways is 9,3% Safety margin of Atlantic Airways is 40,49% Capacity ratio of Atlantic Airways is 1,72DKK Fixed assets as total assets of Atlantic Airways is 66,39%

7 Business model canvas

8 Value proposition Atlantic Airways offers rescue and search missions; cargo and mail services and it is only airway company that offers air traveling back and forth from Faroe Islands

9 Strenghts & weaknesses
Well-known brand name Alliances with other firms Airplanes with low CO2 emission Increased revenue (Helicopter activity, passenger revenue) Punctuality Weaknesses: Narrow flight routes from Faroe’s Islands Limited financial resources

10 Sources retrieved October 27th, retrieved October 27th, retrieved October 27th, 2015 Annual Report Atlantic Airways, 2014 Kotler, Armstrong, Harris & Percy – Principles of marketing, 6ed., Published by Pearson Education Limited, 2013 , retrieved October 27th, 2015 A. Osterwalder & Y. Pigneur – Business model Generations, Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2010, retrieved October 27th, 2015 Svend Hollensen - Marketing Management, 2ed., Published by Financial Times Management, 2010, retrieved October 27th, 2015 Gerry Johnson, Richard Whittington, Kevin Scholes- Exploring Strategy, 9ed., Published by Prentice Hall, 2011, retrieved October 27th, 2015 O.C. Ferrel-Marketing Strategy, SWOT-Driven Strategic Planning, retrieved October 27th, 2015 Jens Ocksen Jensen, Lone Hansen, Søren Holm-Rasmussen, Torben Rosenkilde Jensen- Erhvervs Økonomi til akademiuddannelserne 3ed, Published by Hans Reitzel, Edition 2015, retrieved October 27th,

11 Tak for opmærksomheden

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