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VDL Mode 4 Airborne Architecture Study (VM4AAS)

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1 VDL Mode 4 Airborne Architecture Study (VM4AAS)
ACP WG-M/8 Appendix J VDL Mode 4 Airborne Architecture Study (VM4AAS) Study Overview and Conclusions Nikos Fistas EATMP / EUROCONTROL Communications & Surveillance Management

2 Presentation Overview
PART I: General information Scope, Objectives, Plan, Structure PART II: Study Summary Overview of work achieved (Work Packages 1 to 4) Conclusions Recommendations Next Steps


4 VM4AAS scope Investigate airborne integration issues for VDL Mode 4, considering: COM / SUR / COM and SUR applications Large / Small / Light a/c Forward-fit / Retrofit (digital and analogue) a/c

5 VM4AAS Objectives (cont’d)
To provide answers to questions identify potential problems make recommendations contribute to decision making provide input/guidance to manufacturers considering current status and future trends

6 Study Background Information
Performed by Honeywell Started in June 2002 Finished October 2003 Informal external review group (open to interested “volunteers” )

7 VM4AAS Deliverables D3.2 D3.1 D4 D2 D1 WP4 Implementation Plan
29/10/03 VM4 Airborne Integration Meeting WP3.2 Radio Frequency Interference D3.2 WP4 Implementation Plan WP5 Final Report WP3.1 Avionics Architectures D3.1 WP4 Implementation Plan and Transition D4 WP2.2 Architecture Requirements & Constraints WP2.1 Applications Data Requirements D2 D1 WP1.3 Definitions, Assumptions and Baselines WP4 Implementation Plan WP5 Draft Final Report

8 Deliverable Review Process
External Review group (“volunteers”) Airbus Avtech Sweden British Airways Boeing CNSS Dittel EasyJet PMEI Rockwell-Collins SAS SCAA Honeywell/ EUROCONTROL Resolution External Draft Deliverable Internal Draft Deliverable Honeywell/ EUROCONTROL Resolution Review Final Deliverable on Web Comment Resolutions


10 VM4AAS Work Structure Preparatory work Investigations
WP1 - D1: Assumptions and Baselines WP2 - D2: Identifications of Requirements Investigations WP3 - D3.2: RF Interference Analysis WP3 - D3.1: Avionics Architectures WP4 - D4: Implementation and Transition

11 Work Package 1: Assumptions and Baselines
Preliminary work to form the foundations WP3 Establish assumptions Establish baselines

12 WP1: Assumptions VDL Mode 4 is acceptable to support applications
CDL only SDL only combined CDL and SDL 15 other assumptions in 3 broad groups Group 1: SSR Mode-S-based ACAS Group 2: Simultaneous VHF Communications Group 3: 8.33 kHz VHF Voice will be required throughout the study period The term Communications Data Llink (CDL) is equivalent to the terms point-to-point communications, p2p, and COM used in other EUROCONTROL documents. The term SDL is equivalent to the term SUR used in other EUROCONTROL documents.

13 WP1: Aircraft Classes Large: take-off mass >15,000 kg
(Citation X, G-IV, ERJ, Airbus, Boeing) Small: kg < take-off mass < 15,000 kg (King Air 350, most Citation) Light: take-off mass < 5700 kg (Cessna 172, King Air C90B) The Large class is a combination of the two largest TLAT classes. The Small class is a combination of the two middle TLAT classes. The Light class is a combination of the two smallest TLAT classes Tactical military aircraft and helicopters were not specifically considered. Military cargo and heavy lift aircraft were considered part of the Large class.

14 WP1: Equipment Baselines (1)
Communication VHF Voice (DSB-AM) x 2 ACARS or Mode 2 Simultaneous operation of voice and data link Navigation GNSS ILS (Localizer and Glideslope) VOR All of the equipment assumptions were modified slightly during WP3.1 to provide the widest possible breadth of aircraft equippage.

15 WP1: Equipment Baselines (2)
Surveillance Mode S Transponder #1 Mode S Transponder #2 or Mode C ACAS Mode S Interrogator (Large & Small) CDTI

16 Work Package 2: Identification of Requirements
Identify general functional requirements Identify internal interfaces Identify external interfaces Internal interfaces are those wired interfaces with other avionics. External interfaces include both desired and undesired RF signals received by and transmitted from the VDL Mode 4 avionics. The RF interference study falls under the considerations of external interfaces.

17 WP2: Internal Interfaces
Interconnections VDLM4 to and from other avionics Data Flow Diagrams Data Dictionary Precision Time Interface (PTI) CONCLUSION: Only PTI and baseband interface issues are unique to VDL Mode 4 compared to any other CDL/SDL “modem” technology A clarification brought up by sidebar conversations: The conclusion does not mean that the interfaces to VDL Mode 4 avionics are the same for CDL, SDL, and CDL+SDL applications, nor does it mean that the interfaces are identical to existing DSB-AM and/or VDL Mode 2 avionics. What it does mean is that the VDL Mode 4-specific interfaces are limited to PTI and the baseband interface. Other interfaces that may be required, such as an FMS interface for enhanced surveillance via ADS-B, are required regardless of the modem technology.

18 WP2: Context-Level DFD An example: Level 1 - external interactions
In keeping with the usual conventions of structured analysis, the OWN_AIRCRAFT entity can be expanded to provide equivalent details at lower levels. This is done through several layers in the deliverable, but discussion of these layers is too detailed for the presentation.

19 WP2: External Interface Issues
RF Interference to/from other avionics Focus on same-aircraft or co-site problems Detailed study in WP3.2 Derived work on integrity, availability, and continuity of service Traffic Loading estimates for 2015 based on MACONDO In D2, the Integrity, Availability and Continuity of Service are systematic levels for the communications system and are based on MACONDO.

20 Work Package 3.2: Interference Analysis (1)
RF Interference Issues VHF Communications Sources: DSB-AM, VDL Mode 2, VDL Mode 4 Communication Victims: DSB-AM, VDL Mode 4, VDL Mode 2 Navigation Victims: Localizer, VOR, VDB, Glideslope Large, Small, Light Aircraft

21 Work Package 3.2: Interference Analysis (2)
Same-side, Opposite-side antennas Link-budget analysis using published standards or carefully documented assumptions 3 issues: Desensitization, Off-Channel Emissions, RF (front end) Saturation Desensitization addresses the IF and DSP designs, specifically the instantaneous dynamic range of the receiver. Off-channel emissions addresses the transmitter design, specifically, the ultimate transmitter noise floor. RF saturation addresses the design of the front end amplifier.

22 WP3.2: VHF COM I/f Problem +20
-180 -140 -100 -60 -20 +20 Power Spectral Density dBm/Hz thermal noise minimum signal level receiver noise floor reference signal level minimum digital transmitter output (16 W = +42 dBm) -98 dBm -87 dBm +129 dB (!) -40 dB The thermal noise (red curve) is fixed for electronics at –174 dBm/MHz. In practical receivers, this noise level is increased by an implementation dependent factor known as the noise figure. Typical current VHF noise figures (difference between thermal noise and receiver noise floor) are dB. This fairly large value is driven by the fairly extreme FM Intermodulation requirements for VHF Communications and Navigation radios. The receiver noise floor is above the thermal noise by this factor. The desired signal level must be sufficiently higher than this noise floor to ensure that the desired Bit Error Rate BER is obtained. For VDL systems, this is approximately 20 dB. For the current VHF systems, this minimum signal level is –98 dBm. To ensure that thermal noise induced errors do no affect the measurement of interference performance, all of the MOPS require that interference testing be performed at –87 dBm, or 11 dB above the minimum signal level The study used this reference as the standard desired signal level for all systems. This maitains compatibility with other interference tests. On the other hand, assuming –87 dBm ignores the fact that DSB-AM systems typically have a minimum sensitivity of –107 dBm, and data systems may be in the –98 to –103 dBm range. Thus the –87 dBm analysis may understate the true interference by up to 20 dB. A typical transmitter power on the same aicraft is W. A typical data transmitter will be 16 W or 42 dBm. That is 129 dB ! greater than the reference signal level. The transmitter signal received at the receiver is reduced by approximately dB due to physical isolation between antennas on the aircraft. For this illustration, we use 40 dB isolation. Therefore, the transmitted signal, as received at the receiver can be as large as +2 dBm, or 89 dB higher than the transmitted signal. It obvious that the this situation can’t be accommodated on the same channel. As the spacing in frequency is increased, the effective signal on the channel is reduced. But the fundamental problem is that we need to reduce the effective signal on the victim channel to near or below the noise floor – that is by 110 dB!– in order to fully mitigate the interference.

23 WP3.2: Key Assumptions MOPS -87 dBm reference signal level
Emissions levels DO-186A (Voice), DO-281/ED-92 (Mode 2), ED108 (Mode 4) Assumed noise floors Using ARINC 716 isolations MOPS adjacent channel rejection ACR is a desensitization spec Figure of merit Es/N0 or S/P The ARINC 716 isolations are 35 dB between antennas on the same side of the aircraft and 50 dB between antennas on the opposite sides of the aircraft. The study assumes these values, plus a net 3 dB of cable loss in each case, for a total of 38 dB and 53 dB isolation, respectively.

24 WP3.2: 3 VHF-on-VHF i/f scenarios
Voice on digital RF Saturation IF Desensitization Off-channel emissions (residual phase noise) Digital on voice Squelch break Audio S/P concerns Digital on digital Desensitization IF Off-Channel emissions (residual phase noise) A question has been raised regarding how the audio S/P was evaluated in the study. This question is under review by Honeywell and Eurocontrol. We expect that the resolution will be modification of the actual quantitative values in several tables in WP3.2, but not a change in the overall evaluation of the interference severity.

25 WP3.2: Voice on digital i/f
Mechanism Primarily phase noise and RF saturation IF desensitization is lesser effect Challenges 100% voice duty factor Mitigations Better in-band filtering for digital receiver (IF) “Better-than-MOPS” phase noise of voice transmitter Increased isolation Channel separation Robust application protocols Clear continuity definitions Reduced use of AM voice as data use increases

26 WP3.2: Digital on voice i/f
Mechanism Primarily phase noise and RF saturation IF desensitization is lesser effect Challenges Better than MOPS sensitivity of most AT voice receivers Mitigations Better than MOPS emissions for digital transmitter Increased isolation Channel separation Constrain protocols to short pulse widths (adverse impact on “clicks”) Consider cooperative suppression during transmissions

27 WP3.2: Digital on digital i/f
Mechanism Primarily phase noise and RF saturation IF desensitization is lesser effect Challenges Multiplicity of antennas/limited isolation Low-noise figure designs with FM protection Mitigations Better emissions for digital transmitter “Better-than-MOPS” adjacent channel rejection Increased isolation Channel separation Robust applications and protocols Clear continuity definitions The communications community at large does not have a good definition of continuity of service that differentiates between fault free rare events and a true failure of the service. Initial attempts at such a definition are contained in RTCA DO-270 and RTCA DO-277.

28 WP3.2: Off-channel & Desensitization
Required frequency separations in (KHz) to solve the interference problem (additional analysis is being finalised) Separations in KHz The resolution of the S/P issue discussed in Slide 24 will result in modification of the lines with DSB-AM as the victim. We do not expect this modification to change any of the red entries to orange, or any of the orange entries to yellow. The numerical values within the affected orange, yellow and green cells may change by a small number of 25 kHz channels.

29 WP3.2: RF Saturation New result (not in original WP3.2)
Supported by Boeing/Honeywell testing (Sept data not yet released) May be the limiting factor! The assessment of “probable” is an assessment of how likely a specific radio design is to experience interference problems. For example, there are very few radios on the market today that can sustain interference at –10 dBm within 3 MHz of the desired channel, therefore it is very probable that such levels will cause interference. Certain: In band signal > +10 dBm and within ~3 MHz Very Probable: In band signal >-10 dBm and within ~3 MHz Probable: In band signal >-25 dBm and within ~3 MHz Possible: In band signal >-33 dBm (MOPS Specification) None: In band signal <-33 dBm (MOPS Specification)

30 Work Package 3.1: Architecture Descriptions
11 different forward fit architectures 1 radio retrofit architecture Recommendations Multi-function VHF radio 8.33 kHz, 25 kHz, VDLm2, VDLm4 Independent transmit and receive capabilities Baseband control and flexibility Only 1 retrofit architecture was considered, as more complicated retrofit architectures become essentially equivalent to forward-fit architectures already considered.

31 WP3.1: requirements and constraints
Integrity RMER to 10-8 Continuity Loss of Continuity 1 x to 5 x 10-4 Availability Communication system MTBF 1000 days Surveillance system MTBF 1000 day These values are largely based on MACONDO

32 WP3.1: Architecture Candidate #5
ARINC 750 form factor New VHF Digital Radio (NVDR) 4R1T, half duplex transceivers (not available today) High-speed baseband information sharing Independently reconfigurable R/T capabilities The driver was “no new antennas”.

33 WP3.1: Architecture Candidate #9
Remote mount high-end B/RA New VHF Digital Radio (NVDR) 4R1T, half duplex transceivers (not available today) High-speed baseband information sharing Independently reconfigurable R/T capabilities Architecture #9 is the same internal architecture as #5, but with different package.

34 WP3.1: Architecture Candidate #10
Retains existing analog voice radio for GA aircraft Small form factor (panel mount?) NVDR 4R1T, half duplex transceivers (not available today) Independently reconfigurable R/T capabilities Somewhat limited under certain failure conditions Again, the internal architecture is the same as for large and small aircraft. The intent is to capitalize on economies of scale.

35 WP3.1: Architecture Candidate #11
Retains existing analog voice radio for GA aircraft Small form factor (panel mount?) NVDR 4R1T, half duplex transceivers (not available today) Independently reconfigurable R/T capabilities Somewhat limited under certain failure conditions This architecture could support some Small aircraft that only desire two VHF comm radios. Once again, the internal architecture is the same.

36 WP3.1: Other Products Allocation table showing how each transmitter and receiver is used Availability/continuity analysis tables Analytical Appendices

37 Work Package 4: Implementation and Transition
Relative normalized costs of installation in a variety of configurations “Typical” and “Best-Case” schedules

38 WP4: Summary of Relative Costs
For each class, the normalizing factor is the current catalog price of a VHF DSB-AM transceiver. The values are comparable among options within each aircraft class, but not between classes.

39 WP4: Serial Task Schedule

40 WP4: Aggressive Schedule

41 Work Package 5: Final Report & Summary
Summarize WPs 1, 2, 3.2, 3.1, and 4 Review external comments Conclusions Recommendations Open Items and Future Work

42 WP5: Review of External Comments
Comments critical of WP 3.2 VHF Voice assumptions were too severe Worst-case and not statistical analysis Not supported by field data and/or trial experience Comments about cost analysis with lack of benefit analysis Comments about intermodulation Comments about saturation

43 WP5: Study Conclusions (1)
Interference Problem: VHF-on-VHF interference will exist VHF-on-VHF interference may prevent simultaneous voice and data usage provided by separate systems (valid for all VDLs) Voice-on-VDL interference is more critical Only half-duplex is achievable Uplink data applications must be made sufficiently robust to sustain transfer delay due to downlink voice Technical mitigations seem insufficient

44 WP5: Study Conclusions (2)
Aircraft Integration Problem: Recommended architectures are based on multi-function half-duplex VHF transceiver with 1 TX and 4 RXs Recommended architectures require interconnected transceivers VDL Mode 4 specific integration issues limited to PTI and baseband connections

45 WP5: Study Conclusions (3)
General VDL Mode 4 installation plans should be coordinated with ADS-B and/or advanced data link upgrades Simultaneous operation of multiple VDLs and voice should be avoided

46 WP5: Study Recommendations
Investigate operational impact of VDL Mode 4 interference to voice and vice versa to determine if and which applications can be supported Complete feasibility analysis (safety, ..) of recommended architectures and facilitate as appropriate the development of multi-function 4R1T transceiver with 8.33/25 kHz analog voice, VDL Mode 2, VDL Mode 4 common baseband coordination quasi-independent R/T functions Use VMAAS results as input to other efforts to complete VDL Mode 4 specific cost/benefit analysis (CBA) to support link decision Coordinate any aircraft upgrades with ADS-B and advanced CDL application upgrades

47 WP5: Open Items/Future Work (1)
Assess operational impact of voice-on-data interference Adopt GFSK BER analysis as part of a standard for reference Adopt VDL Mode 4 link budget to level of detail comparable with other VDL data links

48 WP5: Open Items/Future Work (2)
Perform or refine system-level cost benefit analysis based on relative costs provided by WP4 Perform, publish, and publicize additional measurements of VHF-on-VHF interference effects

49 VM4AAS Remarks & Questions More info and available draft deliverables:
Comments and input welcome

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