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Partnering for Progress: Creating a Healthy Digital Environment

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1 Partnering for Progress: Creating a Healthy Digital Environment
TCEA 2017 ©2017

2 Our Panelists Beatriz Arnillas Michele Moore Seth Hansen Byron Kolbeck
Director IT, Educational Technology Houston ISD Director of Partnerships BrightBytes Seth Hansen Byron Kolbeck Executive Director of Technology Midway ISD Executive Director of Technical and Information Services Lewisville ISD

3 Navigating the Journey
FERPA & PPRA COPPA Parent Engagement Digital Incidents New Privacy Laws Educational Apps Student Behavior SIS, CIPA It’s About Navigating the Journey, Not Arriving at a Final Destination When it comes to creating a healthy digital environment, it's not about arriving at a specific destination, it's about the journey, about working together to build a roadmap that will guide you through the complex, ever changing landscape of existing and new policies, requirements, and legislation.  Complicating matters further is the muddiness surrounding the topic. While schools, lawmakers, and parents all agree that protecting student information and ensuring online safety are vital, the related laws and systems can feel like a moving target, constantly changing in response to new technologies and the public’s evolving attitudes. Even the established alphabet soup of laws (FERPA, COPPA, CIPA, etc.) can leave much to the imagination. School Boards

4 2014 State Legislative Activity
110 bills related to student data privacy in 36 states MA WV NC NY ME PA MD NJ RI NH CT VT CA NV OR ID WA WY CO KS OK NE MT ND SD UT AZ NM TX AK AR MI MN IA IL WI LA MS AL GA FL SC TN VA KY OH IN HI In 2013 there was one piece of legislation related to student data privacy. In the 2014 legislative session, DQC recorded 110 bills introduced in 36 states, including 21 bills that passed into law. ‘14 Legislation Introduced ‘14 Legislation Passed N/A

5 2015 State Legislative Activity
188 bills related to student data privacy in 47 states Hawaii MA WV NC NY ME PA MD NJ RI NH CT VT CA NV OR ID WA WY CO KS OK NE MT ND SD UT AZ NM TX AK AR MI MN IA IL WI LA MS AL GA FL SC TN VA KY OH IN HI 2015 saw more bills in more states than SOPIPA (a version of which was introduced in 47 bills and 10 laws) leads to more implications for service providers. ‘14 Legislation Introduced ‘14 Legislation Passed ‘15 Legislation Introduced ‘15 Legislation Passed N/A

6 2016 State Legislative Activity
112 bills related to student data privacy in 34 states MA WV NC NY ME PA MD NJ RI NH CT VT CA NV OR ID WA WY CO KS OK NE MT ND SD UT AZ NM TX AK AR MO MN IA IL WI LA MS AL GA FL SC TN VA KY OH MI IN HI ‘14 Legislation Introduced ‘14 Legislation Passed ‘15 Legislation Introduced ‘15 Legislation Passed ‘16 Legislation Introduced ‘16 Legislation Passed N/A Creative Changes: States in LIGHT BLUE: MN MI (Missouri should be MO) IL WI KY LA SC ME States that should be DARK BLUE: CA UT AZ KS OK TN NC VA WV PA CT NH DE

7 Technology & Learning goals
Creating Balance Technology & Learning goals Privacy & Security Responsibilities In today’s networked world, effective teaching and learning requires new: Skills Strategies Policies Learners must: Do authentic work Collaborate globally Work in environments that protect all stakeholders In order to create an environment that balances your goals for technology with your digital privacy and safety obligations you have to center your work on three principles—be comprehensive in your view and collaborative in your approach and iterative in nature. It’s important to understand all the interdependent components of creating the right environment and to do so as a cross-functional team rather than asking a single person or department to handle things.

8 Creating a Healthy Digital Environment
Protect the innovation that’s happening Navigate new policies & legislation Drive the growing conversation around digital policy Develop a common language Use data to advocate for more resources Our Digital Privacy, Safety & Security module helps you develop and implement a digital vision that will: PROTECT THE INNOVATION THAT’S HAPPENING: Now, more than ever, students need access to digital learning opportunities. As you begin to implement your digital vision, you need to instill all stakeholders with the confidence required to take risks and move forward. DRIVE (instead of REACT TO) THE GROWING CONVERSATION ABOUT DIGITAL PRIVACY: Issues related to data privacy surface in all areas of our professional and personal lives. It’s not a matter of IF but a matter of WHEN members of the community will become concerned with this issue at school. Be prepared and have a proactive plan in place. USE DATA TO ADVOCATE FOR MORE RESOURCES: Digital privacy is an evolving responsibility for schools. To date, it’s likely that these new requirements have been appropriated onto existing staff. However, your data can be used to create a clear case for additional resources, staff, or supports. COMMON LANGUAGE: Get everyone on the same page. Speak a common language about the issues related to data privacy and student protection. NAVIGATE NEW POLICIES AND LEGISLATION (DO YOUR JOB BETTER): In the last year alone, over 100 new bills have been introduced about data privacy in schools. Keeping track of the requirements for your school or district can be daunting. We ensure that you stay abreast of all the changes, helping you to do your job better, and be recognized as a thought leader.

9 Priorities Which Digital Privacy, Safety & Security priorities will your team focus on this year? 1 What key priorities is your team working on this year related to technology & learning?

10 Data & Monitoring What data do you use to inform your work – to gauge your district needs and monitor progress? 2 What key priorities is your team working on this year related to technology & learning?

11 Supporting Division Needs
What common needs do you observe across divisions? What strategies have proven effective to address these needs? 3 What key priorities is your team working on this year related to technology & learning?

12 Sharing Bright Spots What key priorities is your team working on this year related to technology & learning? Great work is happening within your organizations… Share one example of a “bright spot” that you’re particularly excited about this year. 4

13 Roadblocks What key priorities is your team working on this year related to technology & learning? What lessons have you learned when overcoming roadblocks to innovation and change? Share one specific example. 5

14 Collaboration What key priorities is your team working on this year related to technology & learning? What strategies have proven most effective to support departments brainstorming together, sharing strategies, and spreading best practices? What steps did you take to initiate this type of intra-district collaboration? 6

15 Q&A

16 Thank You!

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