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Enterprise Botnet Detection and Mitigation System DHS Phase II SBIR Contract QUESTION: By a show of hands, how many of you believe that your networks.

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Presentation on theme: "Enterprise Botnet Detection and Mitigation System DHS Phase II SBIR Contract QUESTION: By a show of hands, how many of you believe that your networks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enterprise Botnet Detection and Mitigation System DHS Phase II SBIR Contract
QUESTION: By a show of hands, how many of you believe that your networks and computers are compromised to some degree or another? Ok… great… Well if you’re running microsoft office, adobe acrobat, ie or firefox you’re prob right. My name is xxx At hbgary we believe that all computers can and will be compromised its just a matter of time…

2 Agenda NABC (need, approach, benefits, competition)
Technical Accomplishments Milestones, Deliverables, and Schedule Recent Public Relations Technology Transition Plan Quad Chart

3 The Need “Today’s malware is morphing far too rapidly
for the current detection methods to succeed” “If our healthcare industry was run like the malicious code detection industry, then most of us would be dead today” The malware detection has not kept up with the state of the art… the biggest problem facing enterprises today is… I cannot detect the malware in my network

4 The Need (cont.) Targeted Attacks -PDFs, Docs, XLSs, PPTs
Drive-by Downloads -Legitimate web sites compromised -Exploit kits DIY Malware kits Zeus/Zbot The malware detection has not kept up with the state of the art… the biggest problem facing enterprises today is… I cannot detect the malware in my network

5 Malware is Unstoppable!
The Need – Recent Attacks Unstoppable Drive-by Downloads – Legitimate websites Malware is Unstoppable!

6 “Build a Better Mousetrap”
The Approach “Build a Better Mousetrap”

7 Multiple Funding Sources
For HBGary’s Work DHS SBIR Phase II Contract Two AFRL SBIR Phase II Contracts HBGary IRAD e.g., Digital DNA Instead of discussing only the work performed on the DHS Phase II SBIR contract, we have chosen to focus on the approach of HBGary’s commercial products which were funded from multiple sources. There were two other SBIR contracts with AFRL where we focused on reverse engineering tools. We are particularly product of a ground breaking technology called Digital DNA which was funded entirely through HBGary IRAD funds.

8 Physical Memory Forensics
HBGary DDNA Approach Digital DNA (Behavioral Analysis) Engineering Reverse Code Physical Memory Forensics GOALS: Gain the lowest level of diagnostic visibility in order to detect malware and malicious behaviors To obtain our goals we combined the latest advances in Memory Forensics & Reverse Engineering technology. The result was Digital DNA.

9 Approach – HBGary Digital DNA
New Approach to Detecting Zero Day Malware Detects Malware regardless of how it was packed Diagnose and Report on Code behaviors Programming techniques are classified with clear descriptions “Reverse Engineering for Dummies” Identify variants across the Enterprise

10 Ranking Software Modules by Threat Severity Software Behavioral Traits
Approach - Digital DNA Ranking Software Modules by Threat Severity 0B 8A C2 05 0F F B ED C D 8A C2 0F 51 0F 64 Software Behavioral Traits

11 Physical Memory Forensics
Benefits of Approach Digital DNA (Behavioral Analysis) Engineering Reverse Code Physical Memory Forensics 1. This is the lowest level of visibility into a running computer system without using hardware 2. Our approach combines the latest advances in Memory Forensics & Reverse Engineering technology.

12 Competition Competition is starting to appear in the marketplace with similar point Mandiant Volatility Other freeware

13 Technical Accomplishments
Two Shipping Enterprise Products Two more released soon Responder 2.0 Released in 2010 Recon – Malware Sandbox released Improvements to Digital DNA Fuzzy Hashing Security Genomes White-listing

14 Technical Accomplishments – Commercial Products
Enterprise Digital DNA – McAfee ePO, Guidance Software, Verdasys Enterprise Malware/Rootkit Detection & Reporting Distributed Physical Memory Analysis with Digital DNA Responder Professional – workstation software for one analyst Comprehensive physical memory and malware investigation platform Host Intrusion Detection & Incident Response Live Windows Forensics & Automated Malware Analysis


16 Fuzzy Search

17 Technical Accomplishments – Responder 2.0
Improved malware detection Digital DNA fuzzy hashing Windows 7 memory analysis Sandbox integration Remote memory acquisition

18 Technical Accomplishments – Responder 2.0 (cont.)

19 Technical Accomplishments – REcon
New runtime analysis system Observe binary behaviors Forces processes to “stick” in memory Analyze “droppers” Used with Responder Developed with HBGary IR&D private funds outside of the SBIR contract

20 Technical Accomplishments – REcon (cont.)

21 Milestones HBGary Responder™ 2.0 McAfee ePO Integration
Released February 2010 McAfee ePO Integration 45,000 nodes sold Encase Enterprise Integration Released January 2010 REcon Behavioral Analysis Released June 2009

22 Recent Public Relations
HBGary Operation Aurora Report Dark Reading Article – March 8, 2010

23 Technology Transition Plan
Continue to sell HBGary Responder as a workstation product Continue to go to market with enterprise products Integrate with new technology partners Sell direct and through partners Develop threat monitoring center

24 Quad Chart Contractor Name: HBGary, Inc. Date: March 10, 2010
SBIR H-SB Title: Enterprise Botnet Detection and Mitigation Operational Capabilities: Host agents deployed throughout the enterprise Achieve enterprise scalability with hierarchical concentrators Remotely configurable agent operation Centralized, hierarchical, automated reasoners Actionable information for computer incident response teams Low Total Cost of Ownership: Lightweight host agents deployable as command line utility Provide host visibility remotely across the enterprise Distributed reasoning with centralized control Performance Targets: Deploy first enterprise pilot installations for at least 500 nodes Detect previously undetected bots and botnets Proposed Technical Approach: Automated physical memory analysis Collect vast amount of evidence from physical memory Organize evidence into a structured user interface Start with workstation product and expand to enterprise solution Reason over evidence using Bayesian Network models Automated bot and malware analysis Leverage enterprise technologies of large strategic partners Status: Had alpha workstation software before start of Phase II contract Released workstation product, HBGary Responder, April 2008 Excellent marketplace acceptance with growing customer base Enterprise ePO deployment scheduled for Q1 2010 Schedule and Cost: Year 1 Development Year 2 Development Year 2 Deployment Total: Team: HBGary, SAIC Contact: Deliverables: Software Code, User Manuals, Empirical Test Data, Reports, and Solution Demonstration Phil Wallisch Sr. Security Engineer x115 HBGary, Inc. 3941 Park Drive, Suite El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

25 Dramatically Improve Host Security with:
Conclusion Dramatically Improve Host Security with: Memory Forensics can detect malicious code that nothing else can… Not only for Incident Response Should be used during Security Assessments Today Malware Analysis should be brought in house It can help you… minimize costs and impact. Rapidly Identify the “Scope of Breach” Mitigate the threat before you have a anti-virus signature Minimize & Manage Enterprise Risk

26 Questions? Thank you very much

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