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Reception PE Questionnaire Feedback Results

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1 Reception PE Questionnaire Feedback Results
December 2016 10 children in Reception (5 boys and 5 girls) were asked for pupil feedback

2 10 children asked (5 girls/5 boys) Children’s Comments/Notes
Questions 10 children asked (5 girls/5 boys) Yes No Children’s Comments/Notes Q1) Do you enjoy PE? 100% 0% Q2) Do you enjoy PE outside? Q3) Do you learn a lot in PE? Children said they loved learning about gymnastics, skipping, climbing on the apparatus, running and jumping. Q4) Are you confident in PE lessons? 90% 10% 1 girl said no Q5) Do you feel good about what you achieve in PE lessons? Q6) Do you know how you can get better in PE? 60% 40% 3 boys and girls said yes 2 boys and girls said no

3 10 children asked (5 girls/5 boys) Children’s Comments/Notes
Questions 10 children asked (5 girls/5 boys) Yes No Children’s Comments/Notes Q7a) Would you like to take part in a Sport club? 40% 60% 4 girls said no 2 boys said no Q7b) If yes, what sport club would you like to do? Football (3) Gymnastics (1) Q8) Do you enjoy being active at break and lunchtime? 100% 0% Q9) Do you play with your friends at break and lunchtime? Q10) Are you confident to play in the playground at break and lunchtimes? 90% 10% 1 boy said no Q11) Do you feel good about break and lunchtime? 70% 30% 2 girls said no Q12) Do you feel safe at break and

4 10 children asked (5 girls/5 boys) Children’s Comments/Notes
Questions 10 children asked (5 girls/5 boys) Yes No Children’s Comments/Notes Q13) Do you do any sports clubs outside of school? 80% 20% 2 boys said they don’t do any clubs after school as they attend after school club. Rugby (2) Swimming (4) Football (1) Ballet (1)

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