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Marketing Report May 2015.

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1 Marketing Report May 2015

2 Purpose The purpose of this report is to show trend information for recruitment and marketing programs at all University of Mount Olive locations. Where possible, comparisons over time are shown. Marketing and recruitment activities differ for traditional and nontraditional programs, so some comparisons are not appropriate. This is not an enrollment report.

3 Introduction Marketing data is gathered from inquiry calls/visits, contact forms, applications, and SSRS reports. Recruitment activities, purchased media, website traffic, and other promotional and marketing efforts help drive students to our website and other points of contact. Information is used to track what kinds of advertising prompts action for various audiences.

4 Curriculum Interests of 1st Time Contacts May 2015: Traditional Students
There were 1,252 first time contacts received during May 2015, in the traditional admissions office. Over 1,100 of these contacts came from students who have not yet declared an academic interest. ECE 1 ENGL GENSTD MATH REL AGREDU 2 ART 3 BUSAGB ENGEDU PSY 4 EDUHPE 5 EEDUK6 6 CJC BIO/CHEM 10 RLS ALL BUS ALL 35 UNDECL 1160 Total 1252

5 Curriculum Interest of 1st Time Contacts Evening College
Evening College received 93 unique first time contacts during May The most popular programs were HCM, BusMgt, HRM and ECE.

6 Curriculum Interest of First Time Contacts Jacksonville
The Jacksonville location received 30 unique first time contacts in May Curriculum interest varied.

7 Curriculum Interests of 1st Time Contacts to New Bern
Twenty-eight (28) unique prospects contacted the New Bern location in May. Business Management was the most popular curriculum interest.

8 Curriculum Interest of 1st Time Contacts for Online Programs
Online programs include the MBA, criminal justice and the RN to BSN. There were 112 1st time contacts for these programs in May, with CJC attracting the most interest.

9 Curriculum Interest of 1st Time Contacts to RTP
There were 51 unique 1st time contacts to the RTP location, with the greatest interest being shown in the HCM program.

10 Curriculum Interest of 1st Time Contacts at SJ
The Seymour Johnson location received 24 first time prospects. About 40% were not certain of their academic interest.

11 Curriculum Interest of 1st Contacts to Washington
The most popular programs at the Washington location, where there were 34 first time contacts, were HCM and ECE.

12 Curriculum Interest of 1st Time Contacts to Wilmington
The Wilmington location received 22 unique prospects, with HCM being the most popular program mentioned.

13 Nontraditional Recruitment Activities
During May 2015, admissions reps at the locations spent a lot of time developing new contacts and making recruitment visits. There were 390 unique efforts conducted by nontraditional teams to increase the exposure of UMO.

14 Traditional Admissions Recruitment Events
May 1 is the deadline for most colleges to let students know if they have been accepted. At UMO, the Admissions Team focused on …. private campus visits Awards nights at high schools Recruitment of a full house for June 19 and July 17 admitted student day events (Trojan First)

15 Source Information for Traditional Student Prospects
Traditional students who made their first contact with UMO in May 2015 mentioned various sources. The top source of prospect names came from the Cappex website, one of the companies UMO partners with to promote interest in our programs. The greatest curriculum interest from the Cappex site were for Honors, psychology, athletics, financial aid, art and graphic design.

16 Top Sources for Nontraditional Prospects
The top source for nontraditional first time contacts in May 2015 was application received. Tracking ad sources helps us to see where prospects got their information about UMO. The following graphs demonstrate the power of an internet search to find an online application as a way of getting a college search started for nontrad students.

17 Washington Ad Source Information

18 SJ Ad Source Information

19 Ad Source Info for Nontrads: RTP and Evening College

20 Ad Source Info: Nontrads Online Programs

21 Ad Source Info: New Bern and Jacksonville

22 800 UMO Phone Calls During the month of May 2015 there were 170 calls received at various UMO locations from 154 callers. The Switchboard received the majority of these calls (154) and routed them to their destination.

23 Web Analytics Users found UMO on the internet via search engines, like Google, by coming directly to our site or getting referred to us from other websites. Each visitor saw at least 2 pages for about two minutes. The graph below demonstrates the visit rate from March 2014 to May Google remains the primary search engine for UMO.

24 Hobson’s Nontrad Marketing Campaign
Since its inception a couple of years ago, the Hobson’s Nontrad Marketing Campaign has been revised several times. In May 2015, it generated 132 leads, the highest monthly rate since January when there were 135. The volume to all locations is demonstrated in the graph below for May 14 to May 15.

25 Applications Received
The total applications received for all UMO locations in May 2015 was 441, with the largest number going to the traditional program (119), followed by online programs (106) and evening college (67). The graph below demonstrates the distribution to all locations.

26 Conclusions Healthcare management carried the most curriculum interest among first time contacts to the nontrad locations. In Wilmington and Washington, where there have been some major efforts to increase interest in this program, we are seeing some progress. Google continues to push the most visitors to the UMO website. Hobson’s Nontrad continues to bring significant leads to nontrad sites; application received remains the most often used means of contacting UMO to get started for nontrad students. Cappex, a partner company with UMO, has helped to drive more and more interest in traditional programs. The majority of traditional students are undecided about their academic major at the time of their first contact.

27 Thanks Thanks to Jennifer Merritt, Georgette Prichard, Ken Davis and UMO admissions representatives for their help in compiling the information for this report.

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