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Financing possibilities for PhD students – some cases

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1 Financing possibilities for PhD students – some cases
Paula Elomaa Department of Applied Biology

2 Case I Research group provides funding
salary / scholarship chemicals + equipment + travel funding can be applied from several sources for a known or unknown person Academy of Finland EU TEKES Ministries selection of appropriate students TEKES = Finnish funding agency for technology and innovation Tekes finances industrial R&D projects as well as projects in universities and research institutes. Tekes especially promotes innovative, risk-intensive projects. Selection: application + interview + ask opinions from previous employees + test time VERY OFTEN THE PERSON HAS ALREADY DONE HER/HIS M.SC. WORK AND HAVE TURNED OUT TO BE VERY SKILLFULL

3 Case II Graduate schools
the applicant should agree with the group in advance + make a detailed research plan for her/his PhD studies salary is provided for 1-4 years fully or partly matching fund students follow up groups PhD work is expected to be finished within 4 years! Many applicants Interviews Few places available

4 Case III Personal scholarships / grants
Various private foundations Information of smaller foundations available only in finnish (?) appr e/month funding for short periods often no money for chemicals or other costs no insurance, no pension contribution TURA; Univ. of Turku – funding database TURAsta ilmestyy neljä kertaa vuodessa tutkimusrahoitustiedotteen (ent. apurahatiedote) nimellä myös pdf-muotoinen kooste apurahoista ja muista tutkimusrahoituksen mahdollisuuksista. Linkki tuoreimpaan tiedotteeseen on tämän sivun alareunassa. Se sisältää perustiedot n. 700 tutkimustoiminnan rahoittajasta Suomessa ja ulkomailla. Rahoitusmuodoista on eritelty.

5 Case IV International funding
Funding from your own home country Exchange programs Specific target groups funding database If you have your own funding (own salary) it will be a very good possibility to get a PhD position joint students between groups EU money for post docs

6 What is expected from a PhD student?
Why do you do this? Motivation & dedication! Good basic knowledge in M.Sc. studies Practical skills (e.g. lab work) Writing + language skills Show your own thinking! FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION Long working days! 4 years for a PhD – short time! Own thinking – you are doing your personal PhD thesis!

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