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Warm up/Journal Jeffrey used to be the smallest guy in his class. This year he finally had a growth spurt and grew 6 inches, but his weight doesn’t seem.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up/Journal Jeffrey used to be the smallest guy in his class. This year he finally had a growth spurt and grew 6 inches, but his weight doesn’t seem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up/Journal Jeffrey used to be the smallest guy in his class. This year he finally had a growth spurt and grew 6 inches, but his weight doesn’t seem to be keeping up with his height. He’s happy about being taller, but he’s not sure it’s normal for him to be so thin. He wonders if his weight is unhealthy and whether he should try to put on some extra weight. Come up with an idea to help Jeffrey stay healthy, but also reach his goal of gaining some weight.

2 Chapter 11 Lesson 1 Maintaining a Healthy Weight
Objective: Describe how maintaining a healthy weight will help you protect your health and prevent disease. Main Idea: You maintain your weight by taking in as many calories as you use

3 The Calorie Connection
Calories - are units used to measure the energy found in food. Metabolism – the process by which the body breaks down substances and gets energy from foods. The body converts the food you eat to be used for energy Any food not used is stored as fat.

4 Maintaining a Healthy Weight
BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) - A measure of body weight relative to height. Find chart online.

5 Understanding the Chart
Obese – having an excess of body fat. Also carries health risk. Overweight – above standard weight range for your height. Standard – Appropriate weight for height. Underweight – Below standard weight range for your height. Also carries health risk.

6 Maintaining a Healthy Weight
What determines if a person loses weight, gains weight, or maintains his/her current weight? Calories

7 How Calories Determine Your Weight
Weight Gain Weight Loss Maintain Weight Eat more calories than you burn Burn more calories than you eat Calories eaten equal calories burned

8 How calories are used & stored
Converted to glucose when being used for energy Unused glucose is stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen When glycogen stores are full, the remaining calories are stored as fat

9 Managing Your Weight 1st – Know your ideal weight- Set a healthy weight range for you to stay in. 2nd – Set realistic goals – Healthy diet and exercise 3rd – Personalize your plan – Think of ways to enjoy your daily eating plan. 4th – Put your goals and plan in writing – Post it in your room or house where you will see it regularly. 5th – Evaluate your progress – Reward yourself for good work it’s ok to snack once in a while.

10 Healthful Ways to LOSE Weight
1. Choose nutrient-dense foods. 2. Watch portion sizes. 3. Eat fewer foods that are high in fats and added sugars. 4. Enjoy your favorite foods in moderation. 5. Be ACTIVE. 6. Build muscles (burns more calories than fat) 7. Drink WATER

11 Healthful Ways to GAIN Weight
1. Eat HEALTHY high calorie foods. Select foods from the five major food groups that are higher in calories. 2. Eat NUTRIENT-DENSE foods 3. Eat nutritious snacks 4. EXERCISE to build muscle

12 ACTIVITY PART 1: Pretend that your are someone's personal trainer. Make up a character (Name, Height, Weight, Male/Female, Favorite Food). PART 2: Read their BMI score and create a plan to help them maintain, lose or gain weight. (This can mean loose, gain, or keep the weight they have.) PART 3: Uses the steps PROVIDED in your NOTES to explain how they will LOSE,GAIN, or MAINTAIN their weight. This project should be in Pamphlet format. Fold the paper in 3 sections.

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