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Open House Schedule Open House Schedule 7:00 - 7:10 General visitation 7:10 - 7:23 Period 1 7:23 - 7:28 Announcements 7:33 - 7:46 Period 2 7:51 - 8:04.

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Presentation on theme: "Open House Schedule Open House Schedule 7:00 - 7:10 General visitation 7:10 - 7:23 Period 1 7:23 - 7:28 Announcements 7:33 - 7:46 Period 2 7:51 - 8:04."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open House Schedule Open House Schedule 7:00 - 7:10 General visitation 7:10 - 7:23 Period 1 7:23 - 7:28 Announcements 7:33 - 7:46 Period 2 7:51 - 8:04 3 8:09 - 8:22 4 8:27 - 8:40 5/6 or 6/7 8:45 - 8:58 7/8 or 8/9 9:03 - 9: :21 - 9:35 11

2 German with Frau Brudnok

3 Looking forward to a great year!
About me Born and raised in Oslo, Norway. Graduate of North Allegheny Studied German and History at the University of Pittsburgh. Studied German abroad at the University of Augsburg. Graduate studies done at the University of Pittsburgh School of Education. Now in fifth year at NASH. Looking forward to a great year!

4 Classroom Requirements
Homework can be turned in one day late for half credit Missed tests and quizzes must be made up within one week of return to school.—If student only missed the day of the test, they must make it up the next day. It is the student‘s responsibility to schedule the make up of assignments. Non-Vocabulary Quizzes can be re-taken if a request form is completed. Tests will be announced at least one week ahead of the test date.

5 AP 6 Themes: 1. Globalization 2. Science and Technology
3. Contemporary Life 4. Personal and Public Identities 5. Families and Communities 6. Beauty and Aesthetics

6 Honors Senior Chapters 5-8 in Denk Mal! Topics Include: Chapter 6: Art
Chapter 7: Traditions and specialties Chapter 8: Science and technology Chapter 9: The environment

7 German 3 Chapters 1-4 in Mosaik 3 Topics include: Chapter 1: Health
Chapter 2: City Life Chapter 3: Jobs and Careers Chapter 4: Nature

Blackboard Blackboard is where the students will find their every day assignments, test information, and quiz information. All student paperwork is available on blackboard.

9 Blackboard Blackboard is also updated with daily agenda for absent students to check, update their notes, and do the required work when they are absent:

10 Links Provided on Blackboard
Links to other frequently used resources are provided for the students on blackboard.

11 Textbook Online Component
Most homework is using the online textbook, which provides practice activities. The activities allow unlimited attempts to fix mistakes and get answers right up until the due date (unless it is a multiple choice with only 2 options, like true or false). The site estimates the amount of time assignments will take – usually over estimated. Also provides access to the textbook online.

12 Quizlet is used for vocabulary practice
Free online, and free phone app. Each chapter is already available. Vocabulary quizzes are twice per chapter.

13 Meeting times are posted on blackboard and in the classroom.
German Club Meeting times are posted on blackboard and in the classroom. We meet to prepare for the Three Rivers German Day Competition at Washington and Jefferson College. Different categories of competition: Song Skit Poetry (writing and recitation) Writing (fiction and non-fiction) Art (drawing, painting, poster) Culture quiz bowl

14 College in the High School
Honors German 3 Honors Senior German AP German – must choose between CHS, AP Test, or neither 3 College Credits through La Roche College Cost: $210 Optional to sign up Grade will be a part of their college records Signups will be done in class, and parents will be contacted for consent and payment via once students sign up. Registration: September 1 - November 1, 2017 Approval and Payment Deadline: December 10, 2017.

15 Contact info Available at school from 6:30am. -7:20 After school by appointment

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