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Recent R&D Milestones at GRAPES-3

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Presentation on theme: "Recent R&D Milestones at GRAPES-3"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recent R&D Milestones at GRAPES-3
Atul Jain On behalf of GRAPES-3 collaboration 9th Workshop on Astroparticle Physics Cosmic Ray Laboratory, TIFR, Ooty 20 December 2014

2 Hardware R&D Programmable Logic unit, Fast Counter and Data Acquisition Module USB Interface module for Sc_Main DAQ USB Interface module for Sc_Rate DAQ 60 Ch Pulse Width Analyser Muon Life Time measurement High Voltage Monitoring DAQ Amplifier and Discriminator for PRC’s

GRAPES-3 Sc_Data Base GRAPES-3 PRC Fabrication_Data Base GRAPES-3 on line Shower Display

4 FPGA based 8 Ch. Scalar (2010-2011)
Input Translator FPGA USB Interface PC SALIENT FEATURES USB Interface Low Power Consumption Programmable features On board Real Time Clock Team Prof . S. D. Kale (VIIT) Rohit (VIIT) Jatin (VIIT) Atul Jain (CRL) R. Sureshkumar ( CRL)

5 Implementation Development boards for Atmel FPGA
PCB for Input Level Translator and microcontroller mounting. GUI for Windows

6 Real World Test

7 12th JULY 2011


9 FPGA based 32 Ch. Scalar (2011-2012)
Input Translator FPGA USB Interface PC SALIENT FEATURES USB Interface Low Power Consumption Programable features On Board Real Time Clock Interface with Linux OS Team Prof . S. D. Kale (VIIT) Bhaskar Taneja (VIIT) Abhisekh Gupta (VIIT) Suraj Kole (VIIT) Atul Jain (CRL) K.Manjunath (CRL) R. Sureshkumar ( CRL)


11 Programmable Logic unit, Fast Scalar & Data Acquisition Module
Most of the experiment requires a Logic Unit Fast Scalar Data Acquisition Module Conventional Approach Detector Amplifier Discriminator Logic Unit Scalar

12 New Approach Salient Features 8 External Inputs
Detector Integrated Amp + Disc Logic Unit Scalar DAQ Computer Salient Features 8 External Inputs 27 Programmable Logic Combinations 24 Bit Scalar for each Input and Logic Combination Inbuilt Real Time Clock Online Graphical Display of Data Online Data Storage •Binary file with every sec data for selected channels. •Text file with Average value for user defined duration •Text file with Integral Total counts for user defined duration Suraj Kole, K.Manjunath



15 Serin Varghese


17 Earlier Sc_Main DAQ START / GATE Level-0 Trigger Amplifier &
GRAPES Amplifier & Discriminator GRAPES Pulse Fan-out GRAPES HV Dist. GRAPES EAS Trigger GRAPES Level-1 Trigger GRAPES ARRAY OF DETECTORS Clear 400… EAS Trigger GRAPES Master Controller GRAPES Real Time Clock ADC CAEN GRAPES TDC GRAPES CAMAC Controller GRAPES Memory Buffer PCI CARD Clear GPS Receiver Meinberg GATE START WINDOWS 98/ ME WAPP-2008

18 USB Interface module for Sc_Main DAQ
PC’s with PCI interface are outdated Old Windows Operating system updates are not available PCI interface card has no support for LINUX OS Use of old PC’s >>>>>>>>> PC Hanginng Prone to virus attacks resulting in corrupted events Pic microcontroller 1Mbytes/sec FTDI Chip 8Mbytes/sec

19 Present Sc_Main DAQ START / GATE Level-0 Trigger Amplifier &
GRAPES Amplifier & Discriminator GRAPES Pulse Fan-out GRAPES HV Dist. GRAPES EAS Trigger GRAPES Level-1 Trigger GRAPES ARRAY OF DETECTORS Clear 400… EAS Trigger GRAPES Master Controller GRAPES Real Time Clock ADC CAEN GRAPES TDC GRAPES CAMAC Controller GRAPES USB Interface Clear GPS Receiver Meinberg GATE START LINUX CENT-OS WAPP-2008


Errors PCI USB Event header corruption 6 More Data 23 2 Less 3 TOTAL 31 5 B Hariharan

PCI USB TRIGGER ACTUAL EVENTS MISMATCH % 1FFF 36588 577 1.6 2FFF 32713 1.3 4FFF 73159 231 0.3 8FFF 362260 1431 0.4 TOTAL 34952 1.1 TRIGGER ACTUAL EVENTS MISMATCH % 1FFF 36597 2FFF 4FFF 73168 8FFF 362278 TOTAL B Hariharan

23 Proposed Sc_Main DAQ START / GATE Level-0 Trigger Amplifier &
GRAPES Amplifier & Discriminator GRAPES Pulse Fan-out GRAPES HV Dist. GRAPES GRAPES Level-1 Trigger GRAPES Clear ARRAY OF DETECTORS 400… EAS Trigger ADC CAEN GRAPES TDC GRAPES CAMAC Controller GRAPES Master Controller RTC USB Interface GPS Receiver Meinberg Clear GATE START LINUX CENT-OS WAPP-2008

24 USB Interface module for Sc_Rate DAQ
Serin Varghese Suraj Kole K.Manjunath

25 60 Ch Pulse Width Analyser
Salient Features on Board Pulse Width Analyser On board Histogram Generation On board Real Time Clock Logical O-ring for all 60 Channels Rate Monitoring for all 60 Channnels Suraj Kole, K.Manjunath


27 High Voltage Monitoring (2012-2013)
High Voltage Bias of PMT Linearly stepped down voltage ADC USB Interface PC Team Prof . V M Aranake (VIIT) Serin Varghese(VIIT) Sarrah Lokhandwala (VIIT) Ashutosh Khedkar (VIIT) Prof. S.R. Dugad (CRL, TIFR) Raghunandan (CRL,TIFR) K. Manjunath ( CRL)

28 Present Status Prof. S.R. Dugad, Serin Varghere, Sarrah Lokhandwala, K Manjunath

29 High Voltage Monitoring
Salient Features Monitoring of Voltages upto 3000V with a resolution 0.1V 48 channel monitoring/board - Modular Design Use of I2C protocol (400KHz to interconnect modules (Use of USB-I2C library - Sarrah Lokhandwala) Interconnection by I2C Hub – circumventing the inherent shortcomings of the protocol Individually isolated grounds for protection Additional protection circuitry.



32 Measurement of Muon Life Time
P Rakshe

GRAPES-3 Sc_Data Base GRAPES-3 PRC Fabrication_Data Base GRAPES-3 on line Shower Display

34 Thanks

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