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Prevent and Counter Safeguard democracy against violent extremism (Prevent) – Ministry of Culture Counter terrorism measures (Preempt, Protect) – Ministry.

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Presentation on theme: "Prevent and Counter Safeguard democracy against violent extremism (Prevent) – Ministry of Culture Counter terrorism measures (Preempt, Protect) – Ministry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Swedish Government’s actions to make the society more resilient to violent extremism

2 Prevent and Counter Safeguard democracy against violent extremism (Prevent) – Ministry of Culture Counter terrorism measures (Preempt, Protect) – Ministry of Justice

3 Violent extremist groups in Sweden – common elements
Islamist extremism Left-wing extremism Right-wing extremism Dehumanization Hate Anti-democratic Threats Glorification of violence Black and white world view Heroism/martyrs

4 National coordinator to safeguard democracy against violent extremism
Appointed in 2014 – prolonged until January 2018. Preventive measures against all forms of violent extremism. Support to the municipalities to develop their work (schools, youth work, social services, support to parents, measures for defectors, returnees). Reference group, expert group.

5 Overview of national CVE program
Measures to help individuals to leave violent extremist movements Measures to tackle identified risks Measures to safeguard democracy and human rights

6 Agencies involved Swedish Media Council
Swedish Commission for Government Support to Faith Communities Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society The Living History Forum National Agency for Education University of Gothenburg State grants to organisations and municipalities to measures that prevent radicalisation National Board for Health and Welfare Swedish Defence Research Agency National Board for Institutional Care Swedish Prison and Probation Service State grants to organisations working with support to defectors (exit-strategies)

7 Give Youth the tools to critically question propaganda

8 New mappings of extremist messages and propaganda
Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) Government has assigned FOI to make quantitative surveys and analyzes of the violent extremist propaganda spread via the Internet and social media in Sweden ( ). The survey will cover the violent extremist environments in Sweden: right-wing extremism, left-wing and Islamist extremism, and their international links. The Authority shall also carry out qualitative analysis of this material, as well as the content of texts and messages. FOI shall in collaboration with the national coordinator and the relevant authorities disseminate results and analysis of the relevant professional groups at local and national level. First report will be in January 2017.

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