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Jewish Wedding Customs and the Rapture

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Presentation on theme: "Jewish Wedding Customs and the Rapture"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jewish Wedding Customs and the Rapture
The Bridegroom Comes! Jewish Wedding Customs and the Rapture David Brewer Life in Messiah, Int’l

2 Betrothal Jewish Custom Establishment of a marriage covenant
Groom takes the initiative Negotiation between groom and bride’s father Rapture Jesus took the initiative through His incarnation (Jn 1:14) and crucifixion (1 Cor 6:19-20) Bride (church) is declared sanctified Communion – a recurring symbol of the new covenant

3 Preparation Jewish Custom
Groom returns to his father’s house; approximately one-year separation Prepares a place for the bride Bride gathers her trousseau and prepares for married life, not knowing when he would come Rapture Jesus ascended to heaven Separation during Church Age Jesus is preparing a dwelling place (Jn 14:2) Believers know Jesus is returning; they are motivated to stay pure in view of Jesus’ imminent return



6 Procession Jewish Custom Rapture
Groom usually came at night, a torch-light procession A shout signals the groom’s arrival Groom takes the bride to his father’s house where wedding guests are already gathered Rapture Christ will descend with a shout and a blast of a trumpet The souls of dead church saints will descend with Christ Both resurrected and changed church saints will meet Christ in the air

7 Marriage Ceremony Jewish Custom Bride remains veiled
Groom announces consummation to wedding party waiting outside Rapture The church is with Christ in heaven during the 7-year Tribulation

8 Jewish Custom Second Coming
Groom brings out his bride and removes her veil Second Coming After the 7-year Tribulation, Christ returns with His bride to reveal to the world who she is (Zech 12:10)

9 In view of Jesus’ imminent return, believers should…
holy living 1. Be motivated to ________ ____________. priorities 2. Be encouraged to establish biblical _______________ and see what is most ___________. important 3. Live life with a ___________ awareness of ________ realities. continual future 4. ________ what we do with our _____, _______, and ___________. Change time money resources 5. Have ______ and ___________ in our sorrow. hope comfort 6. Be active in ___________ and ___________. evangelism service

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