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Woodcut accompanying a publication of Columbus’s first Letter, 1494

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1 Woodcut accompanying a publication of Columbus’s first Letter, 1494

2 Theodor De Bry, Columbus Discovers the New World, c. 1590

3 Theodor de Bry: Columbus landing at Guanahani, copperplate engraving 1594

4 Frederick Kemmelmeyer, First Landing of Christopher Columbus, 1800-1805
Kemmelmeyer increases the physical distance b/w the two parties; increases the number of each, suggesting less allegorical in some ways, more realistic; native party almost exclusively women and children; more detail in costumes

5 Theodor de Bry: Columbus landing at Guanahani, copperplate engraving 1594 and
Frederick Kemmelmeyer, First Landing of Christopher Columbus,

6 Randolph Rogers, Columbus Doors (main entrance to Rotunda US Capitol), commissioned 1855, completed 1863 (The Doors are 17 Feet tall)

7 Columbus Doors (Detail—Lunette—First Landing)

8 Columbus Doors (Detail—Upper Right Panel—First Contact w/ Natives)

9 Constantino Brumidi, Columbus and the Indian Maiden, 1875, frescoe in Brumidi Corridor, Capitol Building

10 Luigi Persico, The Discovery of America, 1836 sculpture, no longer displayed, kept in Capitol Storage

11 Constantino Brumidi, Landing of Columbus, Frieze of American History, Capitol Rotunda, after 1877

12 Brumidi, Frieze of American History, Capitol Rotunda, 1877

13 John Vanderlyn, Landing of Columbus, commissioned 1836/37

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