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Aging & dying.

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Presentation on theme: "Aging & dying."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aging & dying

2 Terminology Aging: Normal changes in bodyfunction that occur after sexual maturity & continue until death Life Expectancy – avg. length of time one can expect to live (refer to text) Gerontology- Science or study of the causes & mechanisms of aging. Ageism- prefudiced against the elderly Elder abuse – abuse against the elderly

3 More Terminology Last Will & Testament – legal document indicating who gets lawful possession of your property/belongings Living Will – legal document indicating how you want to be treated medically if you are no longer able to make or communicate these decisions (CPR, Life Support, etc) Healthcare Proxy – Person you designate to make decisions concerning your care if you are no longer able to make or communicate those decisions Advocate- Someone you trust who will ensure that your wishes as indicated in your living will are actually carried out.

4 AGING & DYING Aging or Inactivity? Is Youth a happier time?
Predictors of a Health Old Age: Low BP, Low Blood Sugar, Having a health bodyweight, not smoking while young If all of the above are true in middle age, chances are you will have a health old age

5 THEORIES OF AGING –Environment vs. Genes/Biology
Genes: Identical & Fraternal twin studies show that while genes & family history are important they are not the sole indicator of aging. Scientists estimate that genes account for about 35% of the differences in lifespan. Specific Metabolic Rate (text) – support gene theory of aging. Cells cultured in a a lab grow a divide a fixed number or times/generations and then they die.

6 THEORIES OF AGING Environmental Factors-
Free Radicals- oxidizing substances in the body that damage cells (mitochondria) & tissues e.g. Iron when exposed to oxygen & moisture turns to rust. Free radicals are responsible for similar damage at the cellular level.

7 Theories of Aging Error Catastrophe Theory-
Exposure over time to free radicals & environmental agents causes aging. Typically enzymes repair this damage to our cells but over time these enzymes become ineffective and widespread cell death results. Calorie Restriction – weight & aging Mice studies.

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