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Service Coordinator TA Call

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1 Service Coordinator TA Call
June 19, 2014

2 Introductions and Purpose of Call
Who is on the call? EI Colorado state staff introductions Opportunity to have a discussion about common service coordination challenges and problem solve together Add poll here by CCB, Service coordinators , admin, directors

3 Topics to be Covered Writing effective and appropriate outcomes
Working with difficult and contentious situations Transition planning How to talk to families about the funding hierarchy/insurance (Time allowing other topic areas) Based on feedback from EI Coordinators at Statewide Meeting-topics felt might be most interested in?

4 Let’s Talk About It…. Writing effective and appropriate outcomes
What challenges are you experiencing related to this topic? What is going well? Suggestions for support and resources. Laura/Wayla

5 Linking Information Gathering to IFSP Outcomes
Meaningful IFSP outcomes Functional Assessment UNDERSTAND how to gather information and conduct the functional assessment … what’s working and challenging in everyday activities … that children learn best through participation in everyday activities how to use this information to develop IFSP outcomes

6 Key Steps: IFSP Outcomes
Begin with initial contacts and referral Gather Information from parents and caregivers Conduct Evaluation and functional assessment, including family assessment Develop Functional IFSP Outcomes within family routines

7 Using information to Develop Outcomes
Start with parent’s/caregiver’s priorities about child’s learning/development and/or family’s needs (hopes for their child and/or family’s participation), not the interventionists’/teachers’ priorities Consider what’s working in everyday routines and activities

8 IFSP Outcomes IFSP outcomes: What would your family like to see happen for your child/family? 2 types of outcomes Child Outcomes Family Outcomes (participation-based or resource- based)

9 Child Outcomes Discuss what the family wants to work on to:
Enhance the child’s development Increase the child’s engagement Improve the child’s social relationships Increase the child’s independence and participation in family and community routines and activities Discuss what can be reasonably achieved in an agreed upon time (not longer than 6 months)

10 Components of Outcome Statements
Behavior desired of child. Specific details that describe what the behavior should look like (how often, how long, etc.). Routine or activity in which the child will use the behavior. Conditions associated with the behavior/activity (adaptations, assistance, guidance, etc.).

11 Developing Outcomes Step 1: Determine the functional area(s) Eating
Step 2: What routine(s) does this affect? Meal time with the family Step 3: Child will participate in (routines in question)” “Kim will eat with her family at mealtime. . .” Step 4: “ by ---ing” (address specific behaviors) “ eating the foods they eat.” Consider these 4 steps. Mention measurability and other criteria here. Adapted from Robin McWilliam’s “Steps to Build a Functional Outcome”:

12 Child Outcomes: Examples
Not This “Romeo will improve muscle tone for sitting." This "Romeo will play with toys and eat meals with his family by sitting without support for 15 minutes.”

13 Family Outcomes What Parent States: “We want to be able to take Romeo with us in the car; we need a travel car seat. ”

14 Family Outcomes: Examples
This “Karen and Mark will learn about resources and low cost options so they can obtain a car seat.” Not This “Staff will explore options for financial assistance for travel chairs.”

15 Discussion/Questions about IFSP Outcomes
Resources: Rush and Sheldon. Tips and Techniques for Developing Participation-Based IFSP Outcomes Statements, BriefCASE, Vol 2, No ploads/briefcase/briefcase_v ol2_no1.pdf Training activity for recognizing functional IFSP outcomes /pubs/rating-ifsp-iep- training.pdf

16 Let’s Talk About It.… Working with difficult and contentious situations What challenges are you experiencing related to this topic? What is going well? Suggestions for support and resources. Lenita

17 Let’s Talk About It…. Transition planning
What challenges are you experiencing related to this topic? What is going well? Suggestions for support and resources. Christy/Lenita 3 components –Transition plan, conference, notification

18 Let’s Talk About It…. How to talk to families about the funding hierarchy/insurance What challenges are you experiencing related to this topic? What is going well? Suggestions for support and resources. Beth

19 Family Guide to the Coordinated System of Payments Talking Points
Federal Medicaid details versus State Medicaid details Discussing the Funding Hierarchy and the importance of using all available funding sources prior to State and Federal funds Private insurance lifetime caps On Page 2, where it discusses when written consent is required for Medicaid or CHP+, none of the bulleted scenarios apply in Colorado. Page 2, right to refuse to allow providers to bill Medicaid if you are concerned about potential impact on private health insurance for dully insured – doesn’t apply in Colorado While the ACA removes all lifetime caps, there are still insurance plans that aren’t subject to the requirements of the ACA, so may still have a lifetime cap.

20 Follow up Next Steps Available resources will be posted on the EI Colorado website under Training and Technical Assistance/Monthly TA Calls Lenita

21 Share Your Success Story!
CDHS/OEC will be conducting a statewide tour and would like to share personal stories of positive outcomes for families related to services beginning on time Send an to by June 23rd What did you and your organization do to ensure services started on time? How did it make a difference for the family? Christy

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