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Работу выполнила: уч. 11 класса Доценко Юлия, руководитель Н.Б.

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Presentation on theme: "Работу выполнила: уч. 11 класса Доценко Юлия, руководитель Н.Б."— Presentation transcript:

1 Работу выполнила: уч. 11 класса Доценко Юлия, руководитель Н.Б.
Исследовательская работа по произведению Эрнеста Хемингуэя «По ком звонит колокол» Работу выполнила: уч. 11 класса Доценко Юлия, руководитель Н.Б.

2 This year we are celebrating the 65th anniversary of the victory over fascism. Hemingway had bitterly predicted that the Spanish Civil War was a prelude to World War II. The harvest of his considerable experience of Spain in war and peace was the novel «For Whom The Bell Tolls» (1940) the most successful of all his books. I have chosen this book because we should not forget the truth of the Second World War and remember how people fought against fascism.

3 Working on «For Whom the Bell Tolls», 1939

4 «For Whom the Bell Tolls» is finished but not yet published, 1940.

5 The main problems raised in the novel are: struggle against fascism, duty to the country, life and death, courage and fear, love and hatred.

6 This tragic epic novel, set against the background of the Spanish Civil War. The action tаkes place during 3 days in the early summer of 1937 portrays the savagery and heroism of the war, and the harshness and beauty of the Spanish landscape. It is the story of Robert Jordan, a young American saboteur who gives his life to the Loyalist.

7 The most important innovation (of the novel) is the absence of the main character. Hemingway tried to reveal inner life and thoughts of the heroes. Though the work ends tragically it’s best quality is humanist spirit.

8 I think the topicality of the novel is obviously
I think the topicality of the novel is obviously. Anti – fascist literature resists today reactionary myths directed to fascism rehabilitation. Nowdays the struggle against fascism is closely linked with the danger of a new war.

9 We can draw the following conclusions from the work and the novel can be recommended to readers because: It is one of the best novels of Hemingway. This novel is characterized by a large number of complicated descriptions of thoughts The author wanted to portray mental strain of people who struggled against fascism. The novel importance is topical nowdays because it is true to life and broaches questions which are acute today: duty to the country (patriotism), life and death, courage and fear, love and hatred. The novel has its own language, stylistic peculiarities.

10 Enjoy reading and be an ardent patriot of your country!

11 Цель и задачи исследования.

12 Исследования языковых трудностей.
Первая языковая трудность: THOU – YOU What hast thou in the stomach?

13 Вторая языковая трудность:

14 Наиболее часто встречающиеся формы глаголов.

15 Третья язык трулность:
Наличие иностр слов

16 Исследование стилистических трудностей.

17 2-эпич повеств

18 Методы исследования.

19 Выводы по результатам исследования.

20 Памятка.

21 The epigraph of the novel is:
«No man is an I land, in tire of it selfe; every man is a peace of the continent, a part of maine; if a Clod bee washed away by the Sea. Europe is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as a Mannor of thy friends or of thine owne were: any mans death diminishes me, because I am envolved in Mankinde; And there fore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee».

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