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Pedagogy and Inclusive leadership

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1 Pedagogy and Inclusive leadership
Paula Laakso, University of Turku Introduction Research question This study´s main targets to develop inclusive leadership. Inclusion is about every child´s right to participate and school´s duty is to accept every children despite of disabilities. Inclusion enables change and develops practices. Part of children with special needs will fall out of educational systems and the threat of society exlusion increases. Leadership plays key role for renewing curricula and for special education. Curriculum will change teachers contents, pedagogies and school practice. Implementing new curricula requires changes is management. For inclusive education what are views and perceptions from Childhood Educational leaders and Director of Education? What decisious and solutions have leaders made at their work, which have led to succesful inclusive education part of children´s life? What kind of reform is needeed? Pilot study Pilot study I asked headmasters and day care center director´s what they thing about inclusion? Everyone thought that inclusion belongs to all. Realization of inclusion were seen segregating perceptions. Some of pupils name-called ”the problem of pupils” What is essential that inclusions be realized? Highlighted is pedagogical leadership: ability to lead people to listen and to discuss support workers enables everyday activities understand different ways of working References Ainscow, M. & Sandill, A Developing inclusive education systems: the role of organizational cultures and leadership. University of Manchester. England: Routledge. Booth, T. & Ainscow, M Index for inclusion. Developing learning and participation in schools. Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE).

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