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Communicating Research

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1 Communicating Research
LEM4001 Communicating Research

2 The research cycle

3 Introduction Oral presentations vs. written reports - is there a difference? Both must emphasise both the motivation for the work and the key outcomes of it. Key differences: They are more localised in space and time; They impose a sequence and rhythm to the audience; They normally include some level of interaction. Dissemination of findings are r-a-p-i-d. You are judged on your ability to handle questions. ‘The power of persuasion’ – 2 in 3 people will immediately believe that you are an authority on your subject….. Nature, 2012

4 A Core Skill Share – persuade – convince....
Yet being able to plan and deliver a convincing research presentation remains a significant obstacle for anyone A core skill amongst employers

5 The power of the spoken word
The power of research presentations - instant results for a data hungry and networked world…..

6 The Method Q. What is ‘the method’? What works for you? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Understand the sacrifice of the audience, make it ‘Infotaining’ Personality, passion and energy Give your audience time to react Interaction and mood Informal vs formal (planning), memorable introduction – argument – memorable end OR problem – pathway – reasoning. Significance – structure – simplicity – rehearsal Overcoming nerves – top tips? Body language Coping strategies e.g.: ‘Politicians Dance’, viz: View video ‘How to give a Presentation’ from UoN.

7 Delivering a talk and Handling Questions
TASK: Split into splinter groups. Nominate someone to deliver a serious pitch that fully justifies the aim, methods and any ethical issues of your chosen dissertation topic. You will have a time limit to do this. Now, in turn, deliver a short formal overview to your peer group. Pause to think. This should be of TWO minutes duration only. Attempt to answer any questions that arise. For those observing, scrutinise each presenters body language, listen to what they say and devise a series of challenging questions to pose to the presenter. Afterwards, consider: Difficulties you faced, including fielding questions How persuasive were your efforts? What could you do next time to help you share – persuade – convince? Ask for specific, constructive and critical feedback from your peers.

8 What Next?! You tell me….

9 More Information Nature scientific communication guidance: Unit 4 of English Communication for Scientists e-book: University of Leicester presentation resources: Q. Can you now use these techniques for your actual thesis?

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