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Top Ten Most Deformed Animals

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1 Top Ten Most Deformed Animals

2 10. Hagfish Hagfish can literally tie themselves into a knot to rid themselves of excess slime. It needs some of the slime to make sure it doesn’t get attacked. The slime has a repelling smell. The Hagfish spends most of it’s time buried in the sand looking for something like a dead carcass or crustacean to eat. Once it latches onto a carcass it ties a knot with it’s body and puts it over it’s head to stay on after dislodging its toothless mouth to eat it’s mouth full.

3 9.STAR-NOSED MOLE the star-nosed mole has 22 pink tentacles that have a total of 25,000 receptors to pick up it’s prey. The star-nosed mole eats fish , worms, insects, etc. In the winter star-nosed mole’s tails grow 4 times the normal size because it stores their food.

4 8.Sun bear The Sun Bear is the smallest bear in the bear family. You can find sun bears in southern china, eastern India, and as far south as Indonesia. Sun bears can also be called the “Malayan Sun Bear”. Their tongue's are used to take the honey out of bee’s nests giving them another nickname the “Honey Bear”.

5 7. Angora rabbit English Angora rabbits are the smallest breed of rabbit in the world. English Angora rabbit are 5-7 pounds and only live up to 7 years. Their fur isn’t really fur but wool. They can be golden, smoke,(A fancy gray) blue and black. Their origin is from Turkey.( A country in Europe)

6 6. tapir Tapir’s are shaped like pigs. They live in south America, southeast Asia, and central America. There are 4 species of tapirs and sadly there all endangered or vulnerable. Some of their closest relatives are horses and rhinoceroses.

7 5. axolotl The Axolotl’s scientific name is the Ambysform Mexicanum. The Australians and New Zealanders call the Axolotl, the Mexican Walking fish. Axolotls are salamanders and that means they are amphibians, not fish. They are carnivores and eat their food whole. They don’t have biting teeth. They eat fish that carry diseases and are sometimes infected with parasites.

8 4.Aye-Aye Some Aye-Aye’s are nocturnal, these ones use their sharp claws to cling to their homes in the tree top. Aye-Ayes are only found in Madagascar and are very rare. They are closely related to chimpanzees, Apes, and humans. Aye-Ayes have tails longer then their body. Aye- Ayes have a possible big toes.

9 3.Narwhal Narwhals have a highly modified tooth that is ten feet long and is called the “ corpse whale” because their gray-white body resembles a drowned human. They use their tusk ( tooth ) as a sensory organ. So the narwhal dueling myth is a hoax! The tusks sense, changes air pressure, thus the big tusk is a barometer! The dueling and spearing myths are NOT TRUE!

10 2.Dumbo octopus The Dumbo octopus is mostly unknown, it is a new animal to be discovered but its body is soft to fit in small places, its tentacles are webbed almost together to eat snails, sea worms, and skin that look like Dumbo the elephant. The octopuses' ears are used like Rutter's to steer.

11 1. Blob fish There is not much known about the Blob fish because of its rarity. The Blob fish feeds on carcasses: like crabs, dead whales, or anything that floats its way in very deep water ( around 2,000-3,900). It has no muscle what so ever and is pretty much is a gelatinous blob fish!!!

12 Sources octopus

13 From, Ethan, Viggy, and Adam
THANKS FOR WATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From, Ethan, Viggy, and Adam


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