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General Reporting Template

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1 General Reporting Template
NICF-Social Media Analytics General Reporting Template Download ppt/pdf from Version 1.02 Permission granted for student use. S-SMA/Reports and KPIs - Report Template v1.02

2 Company Social Media Report: Introduction
[Objectives: What and Why we are reporting] Also include quantitative objective(s). Hints Slides p.59. E.g. Our objective is to increase number of fans. Our objective is to create some buzz and awareness about our product. S-SMA/Reports and KPIs - Report Template v1.02

3 Company Social Media Report: Metrics
[Metrics showing progress/change] Explain the metric(s) if necessary. Show source of data. Hints Slides p. 17, 24 “Social amplification is any activity in which our fans help us spread our posts. This happens when they Like, Comment…. . This data is from Facebook Insights”. S-SMA/Reports and KPIs - Report Template v1.02

4 Company Social Media Report: KPI
[KPIs showing progress to objective(s).] Explain the KPI if necessary. Hint Show current score and how much progress to objective. “Our target by June is We gained 8% this month and reached 4400”. S-SMA/Reports and KPIs - Report Template v1.02

5 Company Social Media Report: Showcase
[A showcase of progress or positive value.] E.g. screenshot of post with good performance. Examples of sales attributable to social media. S-SMA/Reports and KPIs - Report Template v1.02

6 Company Social Media Report: Showcase
[A showcase of progress or positive value.] E.g. screenshot of post with good performance. Examples of sales attributable to social media. T://S-SMA/Reports and KPIs - Report Template v1.02

7 Company Social Media Report: Testimonials
[Positive Testimonials] E.g. screenshot of post with positive customer feedback. Good reviews, photos of satisfied customers. S-SMA/Reports and KPIs - Report Template v1.02

8 Company Social Media Report: “Conclusion”
Any value-creating concluding remarks. E.g. Insights learned; Questions answered; Justification for further/additional support S-SMA/Reports and KPIs - Report Template v1.02

9 Example S-SMA/Reports and KPIs - Report Template v1.02

10 [Slide 1] Example Facebook Report: Sep 2015
Progress Report on Ad Campaign OBJECTIVE For Sep 2015, our target was 2000 fans. Pre-campaign, we had 1901 fans. We chose to advertise during festival period to take advantage of market buzz offline and online. “People often search for [the keyword] during such a period.” S-SMA/Reports and KPIs - Report Template v1.02

11 [Slide 2] Facebook Ad Report:
Advertisement (3-9 Sep 2015) During the festival season, we ran an ad to promote the page from 3 – 9 Sep. Target Objective: To reach 2000 fans, from baseline of 1901 fans. Budget: $7 daily for 7 days (Total $49) S-SMA/Reports and KPIs - Report Template v1.02

12 [Slide 3] Facebook Ad: Metrics
The ad resulted in an increase of 126 new fans. The total amount spent was $41.97 over 7 days. S-SMA/Reports and KPIs - Report Template v1.02

13 [Slide 4] Facebook Ad: KPI
We paid 33 cents for each new fan. = $41.97 total spend ÷ 126 new likes. The conversion rate of the ad was 3.51% = reach ÷ likes. The ad reached 3,333 eyeballs during its run, converting 126 new fans. S-SMA/Reports and KPIs - Report Template v1.02

14 [Slide 5] Facebook Ad: Target Achieved
We reached the 2000 objective on Sep 4. S-SMA/Reports and KPIs - Report Template v1.02

15 [slide 6] Facebook Ad: Showcase
Our September 3rd post reached over 13,000 people, or 6.5 times our fan base. S-SMA/Reports and KPIs - Report Template v1.02

16 Facebook Ad: Testimonials
The post was shared 44 times, by important organizations in the community (a), as well as by grateful individuals (b). S-SMA/Reports and KPIs - Report Template v1.02

17 Insights and Conclusion
It is effective to run ads during a period of time when brand PR and buzz in the market is high. E.g. during seasonal times/events. At 33 cents per like, our cost per page like is low compared to averages in Singapore ($1.08)*. *Reference: Average CPR (2015 data) For our next campaign in December 2015, we would like to increase our budget to $100 and target an additional 300 fans. S-SMA/Reports and KPIs - Report Template v1.02

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