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Specially Designed Instruction in General Education Classrooms

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1 Specially Designed Instruction in General Education Classrooms
An Overview Today will provide you with an overview of SDI in the general ed classroom . This discussion will also hold true for SDI in the self-contained classroom We will continue the conversation in SE meetings throughout the year at your request or the request of your principal.

2 Overarching Idea Many students with disabilities benefit from grade-level, standards-based instruction in the general education classroom (Popkin & Roberts, 2015) Co-teaching Collaboration Inclusion for students in self-contained How do we provide the same access to the curriculum for SwD that we do for Sw/oD as required by IDEA? This statement has implications for co-teaching as well as for collaboration between GET and SET in a self-contained classroom (SC does not mean they are not included, although the SDI may be provided outside the GE classroom if they also participate in SC classrrom. All. Turn and talk to a neighbor about things you do to ensure student access to the curriculum in the GE classroom. Few. Share out

3 Learning Targets Participants will articulate differences between differentiation, accommodations, and specially designed instruction Participants will co-create an SDI integrated Learning Plan Participants will learn about SDI programs being implemented in Gloucester this academic year

4 Specially Designed Instruction (SDI)
Think, pair, share… (5-10 minutes) What is it? How do SDI, differentiation, and accommodations differ? Why is SDI important for SwD? Slide 4 Handout, Activity Jot down ideas on the Slide 4 Handout activity page Share with a partner, group Have chart paper, markers, sticky notes, pencils/pens available for each group

5 Specially Designed Instruction
IDEA Sec (b) (3) (3) Specially designed instruction means adapting, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible child under this part, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction— (i) To address the unique needs of the child that result from the child’s disability; and (ii) To ensure access of the child to the general curriculum, so that the child can meet the educational standards within the jurisdiction of the public agency that apply to all children. The instruction designed and delivered to students with disabilities based on their unique learning needs in order to meet IEP goals to make progress in the general curriculum (Friend, 2016; TCASE 2016) IDEA says SDI .. And the law is written so that states and local agencies can interpret meaning to the benefit of individual students So, industry experts say that SDI focuses on addressing IEP goals Is based on individual needs and supports making progress in the GE curriculum

6 Specially Designed Instruction
Differentiation ALL Accommodations SOME Specially Designed Instruction FEW A framework or a philosophy for effective teaching that involves providing students with a variety of paths to learning based on students’ learning preference and needs (TCASE, 2016) Tools provided to students to support their learning (Friend, 2016). The instruction designed and delivered to students with disabilities based on their unique learning needs in order to meet IEP goals to make progress in the general curriculum (Friend, 2016; TCASE 2016) Differentiation Expectations: Design lessons based on students’ learning styles Group students by shared interest, topic or ability for assignments Assess students’ learning using formative assessment Manage the classroom to create a safe and supportive environment Continually assess and adjust lesson content to meet students’ needs Accommodation examples: Presentation Read aloud Audio Large print Response Oral response Word processor Calculator Setting Small group Minimal distractions Preferential seating Timing Extended time Breaks Scheduling Segmenting Order Time of day GCPS SDI Examples: Study Skills Instruction Teach, model, practice color coding or highlighting text Keyboarding instruction Teach, model, practice organizational strategies Pre-teach vocabulary and concepts Multisensory Reading Instruction Wilson Orton-Gillingham Fundations Concrete-Representational-Abstract instruction Comprehension Strategy instruction Visualizing and Verbalizing LLI Reading Comprehension Toolkit Behavior & Social Skills Training Check In, Check Out This framework is based on a TTAC model which I thought provided clarification of these three constructs. How does this compare with your discussion? SDI is Special Education. SDI targets the deficit areas that enabled the student to receive special education services. SDI includes direct instruction in study skills, organizational skills, self-regulation strategies, phonological awareness, comprehension, behavioral training and social skills training depending on the needs of the individual students which are identified when they are found eligible. The goal of SDI is that the student will become as independent as possible and will enable the student to be able to meaningfully access the GE curriculum.

7 Planning SDI Explicit instruction using:
identified Deficit Determine SDI, Strategies, Accommodations required to support growth in deficit areas Goal/Objectives that support growth in deficit areas and provide access to the GE curriculum Data collection and analysis (frequency) Results Explicit instruction using: Evidence-based program that targets deficits Strategies to overcome deficit Strengths How can we improve? Where are we now? Where do want to go and how will we get there? How did we do? How do we measure success?

8 Implementing Instructional SDI
Phonological Memory Deficit Multisensory Reading Instruction 3 x per week 30 minutes/day, TSW will progress at least 3.5 Levels from baseline by XXXXX Bi-weekly charting Results Explicit instruction using: Evidence-based program that targets deficits Strategies to overcome deficit Strengths How can we improve? Where are we now? Consider any materials or training needed Where do want to go and how will we get there? How did we do? How do we measure success?

9 Implementing Accommodations to support SDI
Phonological Memory Deficit Digital Text Reader on age-appropriate device with accessible text TSW independently use Digital Text Reader to read independently in class and at home Bi-weekly charting Results Explicit instruction using: Evidence-based program that targets deficits Strategies to overcome deficit Strengths How can we improve? Where are we now? Consider any materials or training needed Where do want to go and how will we get there? How did we do? How do we measure success?

10 Specially Designed Instruction Activity
Materials needed: pencils, SDI support rubric with psych details, intervention handouts, chromebook (and markers, chart paper available) Independently read Strengths/Deficits column (5-7 minutes) With your (grade level) group, and using intervention suggestion documents, consider what: (1) SDI might be used to support growth in deficit areas; (2) goal(s) would support growth and provide access to curriculum; (3) accommodations would be appropriate; (4) and how Progress Monitoring could inform decision-making (30 minutes) If you could get more information what might it be? And how would that be useful?

11 GCPS SDI 2017-2018 Multi-Sensory Reading training
Participants included SET, GET, Reading Specialists, ELL and Vision Teachers, SLPs, Guest Teacher. Ongoing training to support effective implementation across the year. Concrete-Representational-Abstract Co-teaching Cohort and professional development for math content teachers, including special ed teachers Guided Math book study – framework supports SwD receiving SDI in the GE classroom and builds consistent use of language and math best practices between GETs and SETs Writers Workshop – framework supports SwD receiving targeted writing instruction in the GE classroom

12 Sticky Note Reflection
What is the most challenging part of implementing specially designed instruction? Examples/Ideas Designing it to meet student needs Planning for it’s implementation Implementing it in the classroom Assessing it’s effectiveness Other?

13 Sign up for opportunities to learn about and to contribute to special education program development in our district Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) a strategic framework that supports independence across content areas (October, November, January, February) Vocabulary Writing Math Reading Reframing Vocabulary Review literature (Biemiller (xxx); Beck, McKeown, & Kucan (2002) on Tiered Vocabulary (1) basic vocabulary, (2) vocabulary that appears in a wide variety of texts, written and oral language of mature language users; and (3) low frequency – content specific vocabulary Examine our vocabulary lists and practices Determine if a strategic change is warranted Interested in joining the Autism Cohort? – Characteristics of Autism, K-12 Characteristics of Autism, PreK Communication, K-12 Over the summer, some GCPS teachers and administrators participated in a Guided Math PD , Multisensory Reading PD, Visualizing and Verbalizing PD; began a 3-part PD on C-R-A; and developed a writing program based on the Lucy Calkins model. These programs will be implemented this academic year and ongoing support will be provided to those who participated. We are in the process of considering providing PD in these areas but would like to research the effectiveness and efficacy of implementing in Gloucester and each school level. I am seeking teachers with an interest in CGI and SRSD to assist with the research and reporting of the research. Please sign up.

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