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Key Terms and Ideas of the Russian Revolution

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1 Key Terms and Ideas of the Russian Revolution

2 The discontentment that the average citizen of Russia faced would eventually lead to a series of uprisings and revolutions that would change the balance of power These uprisings and revolutions were led by a few key people who were influenced by the ideas of one man…

3 Karl marx – the father of communism
German economist and considered to be the founder of revolutionary communism Wrote Communist Manifesto in 1848 and Das Kapital in 1867 which outlined his theory of communism Main ideas of communism revolved around economic relationships between people

4 Marxism In a business relationship:
Bourgeoisie – owner Proletariat – worker To Marx, the worker was the most important because they transformed raw material into product Believed the capitalist owner took the profit for himself – believed this meant that capitalism caused the suffering felt by the largest number of people in a society Marx argued for a violent revolution in which the proletariat should overthrow the bourgeoisie and take control of production

5 Marxism Cont’d To ensure equality in this new society, private property should be abolished to avoid inequality in society All men should be free, equal and enjoy a sufficient standard of living Process for revolution: Overthrow the bourgeoisie and capitalism Common man to establish a dictatorship in which communist party would have complete authority to ensure that capitalism did not return – transitional stage State to wither away and true communism established – Marx never explained how this would actually happen

6 Basic ideas of marxism Man is by nature good
Economic relations determine all human relations Exploitation is an inherent feature of capitalism Private property is evil Capitalism produces (only) two classes of people Only revolution can rid society of capitalism and establish an appropriate system Classlessness and statelessness will follow only after the revolution and a transition period People who followed the ideals of Karl Marx were known as Marxists Once they begin to challenge, become known as the Bolsheviks

7 Followers of marx Vladimir Lenin
Brother was executed by Tsar in 1887 – began Lenin’s hatred of the Tsar Joined revolutionary groups during university; highly educated Imprisoned for his criticism of the Tsar in 1895; exiled to Siberia then allowed to leave to serve exile in Western Europe Believed in the ideas of Marx; wanted to create a Russian government that would represent the workers and protect their interests This also meant the downfall of the Tsar which Lenin desperately wanted

8 Followers of marx cont’d
Leon Trotsky Jewish – during a time of heightened anti-semitism Became infatuated with the ideals of Marx at a young age – set up student revolutionary groups in school for which he was arrested and exiled to Siberia Escaped and fled to London, England where he met Lenin Would become a leading figure in the October Revolution of 1917 and creator of the Red Army Would be crucial to their success during the Russian Civil War

9 Followers of marx cont’d
Joseph Stalin Follower of Marxist ideals as a youngster; even robbed banks to gather funds to support the party Met Lenin in 1905 during exile and was by his side during the 1917 revolution Took power after Lenin died and was ruthless in his so-called quest for a truly classless society

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