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Animal Projects Johnson County Show: January 8th to 13th

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1 Animal Projects 2017-2018 Johnson County Show: January 8th to 13th
Cleburne FFA Animal Projects Johnson County Show: January 8th to 13th

2 Is an animal project for me?
An animal project is optional. It is not required for Agriculture class. A project should be looked at as a learning experience and not a way to make money. IF you break even, you are lucky. If you make a profit, you are extremely lucky! An animal requires a lot of time. An animal must be fed two times a day, every day. An animal depends on you. If you don’t think you have enough time, money, or transportation, don’t get an animal!

3 A.D. Wheat Agriculture Center
Must have barn agreement signed by yourself, parents, and Agriculture teachers and returned prior to purchasing an animal. Every student utilizing the Agriculture Center will be required to pay a rental fee of $50/per head for use of the barns. A teacher will visit the facility every day, but you know the animal better than we do. If animal is not acting right let your agriculture teacher know immediately.

4 Johnson County Show misc.
The Johnson County Show enforces the no pass no play rule. If the student is ineligible, the animal is also. It is against show rules for the animal to even be brought on the property. NO SUBSTITUTE SHOWERS. Sale Breakdown: This is a premium show for market animals only. The animal does not sell. Each exhibitor is responsible for the disposal of their animal upon the conclusion of the show. Approximately the top 25% of each class will go through the auction and receive premium money, but you still retain ownership of the animal. Youth fair items and Agriculture mechanics projects are eligible for the sale, and are actually sold to the highest bidder.

5 Who pays for the Animals?
If you would like for us to find an animal for you, we would be glad to. When we pick animals up, we have to pay for them on the spot. We don’t have the money to pay for animals for 150 kids out of our own pocket and then try to collect after the fact. We strive to find animals that will be competitive, but economical as well. You are welcome to find your own animal we just want to let you know that we will help you if you want help. The type of animals used today change rapidly. We are picking out show quality animals. There is a big difference in a “sale barn animal” and a “show animal”. There is no guarantee that an animal we or anyone else purchases will make the sale, no matter how much it costs.

6 Misc. Expenses Entry Fees (County Show) $20.00 per entry
Medicine/ Vet bills Occasionally, we have animals get sick. If they do, we try to help treat the problem, but you are responsible for the medicine or vet bill if necessary. Costs associated with routine preventative medication will also be the responsibility of the student. Major Validation Tag - Validation Tags are $20 per head (major shows only)

7 Ownership Dates Broilers are ordered through the Ag teachers and arrive middle of Nov. Market rabbit validation will be at Joshua Pet and Feed on 12/2. Breeding rabbit validation will be at Joshua Pet and Feed on 11/4. Sheep and Goats- Validate on Oct. 21st @ 9:00-12:00 Joshua HS Pigs: Validate on Nov. 18 – 9:00-12:00 Joshua HS Dairy Cattle will validate at show barn on 11/4. All animals must be in the possession of the student that will be showing it by the validation date. Animals seem to be cared for better at an accessible place such as the students house or at the Wheat Center. ALL ANIMALS MUST BE TAGGED IN ON THIS DATE. IF YOU CAN’T TRANSPORT THE ANIMAL, YOU NEED TO MAKE PRIOR ARRANGEMENTS FOR ONE OF US TO HAUL IT. There are no late validations for any circumstance!!!

8 Broilers

9 The Scoop on Broilers You should start off with 25 chicks. Box of 25 cost $45. 3 birds show per pen. Every student is required to show two pens. They all come from the same hatchery and are the same age. You will get them when they are 1 day old. It will cost around $ for feed, water cans, and feeders. The chicks will be ordered around Oct 15, and be delivered just before or just after Thanksgiving. You must be ready for them. They are less than 24 hours old upon delivery and need feed and water immediately! Hard work and a good facility are two requirements to raise competitive birds. Money due by Sept. 29th, 2017

10 Market Lambs

11 The Scoop on Market Lambs
Breeds: Southdown, Finewool, Finewool Cross, Medium Wool. Minimum weight 90 lbs Both wethers and ewes may be shown, and will be slick shorn. Sheep should be born in February and March. They will be less than 1 year old at the show. We will buy them in August/September. They will have to be fed two times a day and exercised. Cost $ and up– Money Due by September 8, 2017

12 Market Swine

13 The Scoop on Swine Classes: Duroc, Hamp, York, White OPB, Black OPB, and Crosses. Minimum weight: 180 lbs Barrows and gilts may be shown Pigs will be born in August and September. They will be 6-8 months old at the show.. Pigs cost $ each. Money due by Sept. 29th

14 Beef Animals

15 Beef Steers European: Charolais, Limousin, Main Anjou, Simmental.
Breeds: European: Charolais, Limousin, Main Anjou, Simmental. American: Brahman, Beef Master, Santa Gertrudis, Longhorn. British: Angus, Hereford, Shorthorn Minimum Weight: 850 lbs; no max weight Hair will be no longer than ¼ of an inch in the show ring. Most are fall born calves ( so they are a year old now) At the latest you should have them by the end of August. You feed a 12% beef ration that is $12.50 a bag. They will eat approx. 30 lbs a day. It will cost you around $ to feed them from beginning to end. They also require periodic hoof trimmings and more expensive vaccinations. A show steer will cost anywhere from $ to ??????????? IS IT TOO LATE TO START A BEEF PROJECT

16 Beef Heifers Same breeds as beef steers.
If you buy one, you must own it by Dec 1st. It should be, at the youngest, a fall born calf. Heifers will be shown by age, not by weight. They do not have to be registered. They eat about the same amount a steer will, and the feed will be around the same price. There is no auction sale for the Heifers. They will receive prize money only.

17 Market Goats

18 The Scoop on Goats Goats will be broken into classes by weight.
Minimum weight is 50 lbs; no max weight Goats must be hornless or tipped. Both wethers and does may be shown. They will be purchased in September. The feed is around $ a bag. Cost is $350 and up. Money due by Sept 8, 2017

19 Rabbits                                 

20 The Scoop on Rabbits 3 Rabbits show per pen.
Weight limits: Minimum:3 lbs; Max 5 lbs. (per rabbit). This is a meat rabbit show only. Everyone shows Californians or New Zealand's. 4 rabbits should be purchased to choose your pen of three. Four rabbits will cost around $ for returns or around if you wish to keep them forever. To feed the rabbits until the show: $25.00 Money due September 8, 2017

21 Dairy Heifers

22 Info on Dairy Heifers. Must own by November 1st.
Feed 14% ration that is $10.00 a bag. They will consume about 6-10 lbs a day. Cost of Animal: $ ?????????? A special uniform will also need to be purchased to show Dairy Animals. Dairy show, sale???

23 Contact Info: Mr. Leck, Ms. Trahern, and Mr. Willson All animals shown under the Cleburne FFA will be supervised by Mr. Leck, Ms. Trahern and Mr. Willson. We will make periodic visits to check the progress of animals kept at students homes, and will be at the Wheat Agriculture Center on a routine basis. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us with the above information. Thanks.


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