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Weapon Focus.

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Presentation on theme: "Weapon Focus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weapon Focus

2 Weapon focus “Weapon focus refers to the visual attention that eyewitnesses give to a perpetrator’s weapon during the course of a crime. It is expected that the weapon will draw central attention, thus decreasing the ability of the eyewitness to adequately encode and later recall peripheral details” Steblay (1992)

3 Notes check and questions

4 A weapon focus experiment

5 Exercises to practice and deepen understanding
Linking study to background research, formulating hypotheses. Analyse the study - design, key variables, controls. Identify the flaw, improve the design. Collate and analyse data.

6 Reflection What have happened/what have you learned?
What does it make you think/feel? What are you going to do?

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