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Carminatives & GI regulators

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1 Carminatives & GI regulators

2 Objectives On completion of this topic you would be able to Know about : Carminatives and GI regulators The monograph of Coriander.

3 Known to Unknown Can you name one mixture preparation administered to children below 1 year age ? Does gripe water contain any Volatile oil ? Name one gripe water from market

Def: These are soothing medicaments that act by relieving pain in the stomach and intestine and expel flatulence and gas from the GIT by increasing peristalsis. Examples: Fennel Coriander Cardamom Clove Cinnamon Caraway etc., Used in indigestion, gastric discomfort and loss of appetite

Gastro-intestinal Regulators: Def: These are the agents which regularise the activity of GIT. Ex. Bitter Stomachics Alternatives Stimulants Aromatics Sialagogues Cholagogues Anti-emetics and Appetizers

6 CORIANDER Synonym : Coriander fruit, Dhaniya
Biological Source : Dried ripe fruits of the plant Coriandrum sativum Family : Umbelliferae Fig.19.1

7 CORIANDER Geographical Source: Russia Hungary Holland Egypt
Morocco India Fig.19.2

8 CORIANDER Geographical Distribution : In INDIA
Andhra Pradesh (Guntur, Ananthpur) Maharastra Jammu & Kashmir UP and West Bengal

9 CORIANDER Organoleptic characters: Colour : yellowish brown to brown
Odour : aromatic Taste : spicy and characterstic Size : 2 to 4mm diameter 4 to 8mm length Shape : cremocarp with 10 primary ridges & 8 secondary ridges. Fig.19.3

10 CORIANDER Chemical Constituents : 0.3 to 1%Volatile oils
13% fixed oils 20% proteins Important volatile constituents 90% of D-linalool (Coriandrol) L-Borneol Geraniol Pinene leaves contains Vit.A

11 CORIANDER USES : Carminative Aromatic stimulant Flavouring agent
Common ingredient of compound spirit of Orange and Cascara elixir

12 Summary In this class we learnt about
Coriandrum sativum is belongs to the Family Umbelliferae Contains Volatile oils as main chemical constituent Used as Carminative and Aromatic stimulant

13 Quiz 1. Coriander belongs to the family a. Scrophulariaceae
b. Leguminosae c. Solanaceae d. Umbelliferae

14 Quiz 2. Coriander is used as a. Anti-pyretic b. Carminative
c. Anti-diabetic d. Anti-viral

15 Quiz 3. Coriander contains a. Volatile oils b. Carbohydrates
c. Alkaloids d. Glycosides

16 Frequently asked Questions
State Biological Source, Morphological characters and Active constituents of Coriander. (Mar/Apr’04)

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