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Presentation on theme: "CHOICES, CHOICES & MORE CHOICES"— Presentation transcript:


2 INTRODUCTION: This presentation must – inevitably – reflect, to some degree, the personal preferences of the presenter. A “comfort zone” is important in selecting a new computer. Therefore your personal preferences should be considered In what follows, we shall not discuss makes. In today’s market there are no “bad” computers [or printers] provided one stays with mainstream manufacturers A word of caution – many small independent stores “create” computers. While many are good value, some cut corners to provide an attractive price

3 THE FIRST STEP: DON’T rush out with cash in hand!
DO think about what you want to do with your new equipment – NOW & UP TO FIVE YEARS IN THE FUTURE Write it down Decide how much you want to spend. Remember that this may include some Software Be aware of on-going costs RESEARCH – Friends, On-Line, Flyers etc.

4 THINGS TO THINK ABOUT Do I want “mobile” capability? If yes: are “full” computer facilities required? Are physical limitations a concern? Screen size, keyboard size, virtual keyboards, touch screens For “everyday” use – , internet, word processing – where am I on a scale of 1 – 10 for how much I will use Applications that MAY need higher specifications: Movie services like Netflix Storing lots of pictures, movies or music Video games – especially on-line Phone capability

5 COMPUTER CHOICES Desktop [original] Desktop [All In One] Laptop
STATIC MOBILE Desktop [original] Desktop [All In One] Laptop Notebook Hybrid Tablet


7 DESKTOP [ORIGINAL] Potentially lowest cost Full size keyboard
FOR AGAINST Potentially lowest cost Full size keyboard Larger screens than mobile devices Not mobile Space Lots of wires Probably no touch screen capability No touch pad capability Webcam extra cost

8 DESKTOP [ALL IN ONE] Full size keyboard
FOR AGAINST Full size keyboard Larger screens than mobile devices Touch & Gestural screens available Minimum space & wiring Not truly mobile although a few are “portable” Relatively high cost No touch pad capability

9 LAPTOP Fully mobile Fully featured
FOR AGAINST Fully mobile Fully featured Range of specifications available - tailor price/performance to needs Normally have webcam included Touch screens available Small screens: 15.6” standard, 17.3” available but higher cost Keyboard size May not be full keyboard

10 NOTEBOOK Usually can do everything a laptop can
FOR AGAINST Usually can do everything a laptop can Small size and weight for easy transport Lower cost Small screen & keyboard Usually lower performance/capacitie s than a laptop Often lack features such as CD/DVD drives

11 TABLETS Highly portable Camera capabilities Small screen
FOR AGAINST Highly portable Camera capabilities Small screen Virtual keyboard Price is high for performance capabilities

12 HYBRIDS Relatively new, Hybrids combine the features of Tablets and Laptops/Notebooks Basically this means the addition of a physical keyboard plus some other facilities to a Tablet This addition may be a physical re-arrangement of the equipment depending on desired use or the keyboard may be detachable It is arguable as to whether this combines the best or worst of both Tend to be relatively expensive

13 SIGNIFICANT FACTORS: Operating System Processor Memory
Storage size & type Screen size For each of the last four, “more” means “better” but also higher price Do YOU need it?

14 OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows: Most popular so that help when needed is widely available. An added advantage is that you can have Computer, Tablet & Smart Phone all with same [modified for device capability] system BUT not the cheapest route Apple [various]: If you are an Apple fan you will want to go this route. Again, you can have Computer, Tablet & Smart Phone all with same [modified for device capability] system. Apple products tend to be the most expensive. Help is harder to find

15 OPERATING SYSTEM: Chrome: This system is found on so called “Chromebooks” made by a couple of manufacturers. These appear to be a “Computer Tablet” and often appear to have a price advantage. It is uncertain why they exist! It appears difficult if not impossible to use programs like Office [ Word, Excel, PowerPoint] and many others Android [Inc. Jellybean]: The most cost effective choice for Tablets & Smart Phones, Android is not available on a true computer although it is the core of the Chrome system

16 OPERATING SYSTEM: Apple fans will probably stay with Apple
For others, Windows is recommended for computers of all types. May still find a few models with Windows 7. Most likely to be Windows 8.1. Windows 10 [no Windows 9!] is forecast for sometime in or after April 2015 – if you can wait, this may be better AVOID CHROME Consider the cost advantage of Android for Tablets & Smart Phones

17 PROCESSOR: The Processor is the brain of the computer
It is one of two factors that affect the power and speed of the machine Most commonly made either by Intel or AMD; both offer a large range with varying capabilities. AMD have a reputation of running hot – not an ideal thing but not a deal killer as they are often a lower cost for same performance Often not fully described in print advertising and sometimes not easily found in on-line ads. More is better but more is cost! Too little for your needs can be very frustrating

18 PROCESSOR: There are many models to choose from
Three factors to consider: Clock Speed: Measured in Gigahertz [GHz]. Defines the speed at which the processor can work. The larger the number, the faster the processor. Typically will see a range from 1.5Ghz to 4.0Ghz Number of Cores – Typically Single, Dual or Quad: The number of Cores defines how many “operations” can be done at the same time. Some 3 & 6 Cores exist Number of Threads per Core – 1 or 2: Effectively doubles the number of Cores. Single Core is usually only Single Thread These numbers are “Top Speeds” &, just like a car, are not possible at all times

19 PROCESSOR: Each performance increase also increases cost
The Number of Threads is, for typical users, less important than clock speed & number of cores. A single core machine will likely be OK for light duty but does not allow for growth. Go for higher clock speed A dual core machine is recommended for most users. Go for higher clock speed Quad core is mostly for heavy duty on-line video gamers or some powerful programs ASK – But remember that retail staff are often less knowledgeable than they seem to be; especially about Number of Threads

Note the range of clock speeds. This has much to do with power usage – and heating issues – in different types; i.e. Notebooks, Laptops, Desktops etc.

21 PROCESSOR: Typical Ads [in the same flyer]

22 PROCESSOR: Typical Ads [in the same flyer]

23 PROCESSOR: Typical Ads [in the same flyer]

24 RAM MEMORY Measured in Gigabytes [Gb], the RAM Memory is the second factor affecting computer speed Do not confuse this with Hard Disc Drive [HDD] or Solid State Drive [SSD] which are also measured in Gigabytes RAM can be up to 128Gb but you will normally only see up to 16Gb in advertisements. A minimum of 4Gb is recommended ASK: What can this be increased to? Some have a physical limit More is always better – but extra cost Places like Future Shop can add more memory to their advertised models – parts + labour!

25 STORAGE The Operating System, installed programs and your work are stored either on a Hard Disk Drive [HDD] or a Solid State Drive [SSD] May have an HDD, a SSD or both Any HDD will – almost certainly – have enough capacity [usually 100’s of Gigabytes] for typical personal use. The exception can occur for people who store VERY large quantities of photos, movies or music. A Terabyte [1000 Gigabytes] drive can be useful in these cases SSD’s having no moving parts, permit a smaller machine with faster speeds. Cost is coming down but still 5+ times that of HDD per Gb. For this reason, smaller capacities are usual; especially in Tablets. This could be critical!


27 SCREEN SIZE For desk top models screen size is usually only a question of price and space For everything else, you need to balance portability with readability Notebooks, Tablets & Smart Phones have small screens Laptops typically have either a 15.6” or 17.3” screen – although some manufacturers still call smaller screens “laptops” Unfortunately, 17.3” laptops most often also have higher other specifications - $$$$$$$$

Some Desktop machines do NOT include everything in the advertised price. In some cases, Screen, Keyboard & Mouse are all extra! Want a Mouse? Not usually included with any machine with a Touch Pad and often not with a Touch Screen model

29 OTHER COSTS [2] Software: You may have all the software you need from a previous computer – likely on a CD. Be aware that [a] not all software will run under newer operating systems and [b] some smaller machines do NOT have a CD drive. The latter can sometimes be solved by copying the CD to a Flash Drive on another machine. If not, you may have to buy again Many computers are now sold with “pre- installed” software. This is especially true for Microsoft Office and an anti-virus software – usually Norton or McAfee. Be aware that most of the time these are 90 day trial versions. After that – you have to buy. For anti-virus – there is also an annual charge!!!!!

30 OTHER COSTS [3] Anti-Virus: If the computer does not have a trial version, you may be pressured to buy one. Be aware that Windows 8 & 8.1 have an excellent one [Windows Defender] built in and that a version of this – FREE – called Microsoft Security Essentials can be downloaded for Windows 7 If you have a trial [or any other] anti-virus and want to use the above, it must be un-installed first I recommend that an anti-malware [MALicious softWARE] be added. Malwarebytes [ download from has a proven track record. Cost is $30 per year FOR UP TO 3 COMPUTERS

31 OTHER COSTS [4] If sound quality is important, built in speakers & microphones may not be adequate – especially on Laptops/Notebooks. For Desktops, this can only be judged when the machine is in it’s normal operating position – so don’t buy up front! Web Cam. Often built in. If not, may need to add for capabilities like Skype [computer as Video Phone]. Care re cheaper models BACKUP: I most strongly recommend the addition of an external HDD to make a copy [at intervals] of the whole internal drive – called a system image. This drive is kept separate & hidden [fire proof box?] in case of theft or catastrophic failure. It should have the same capacity as the internal drive.

32 OTHER COSTS [5] If you have a Printer already, be aware that it may not be possible to install it on a new computer. Usually you will get an error message if this is the case It may install [seemingly] but not operate correctly; either as to proper printing or some functions may not work In either case, it is worth going to the manufacturers web site to see if you can download a newer version of the printer software that will work Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to need a new printer!

Your choice of Internet Service Provider [ISP] will depend on what is available in your area but will typically be either through your cable provider or through the phone system Bundled services – Landline, Cell Phone, TV, Internet – often available with a cost saving Care re the small print!

FACTORS TO CONSIDER: Download Speed Upload Speed Monthly Bandwidth In general, the basic packages provided by the major ISP’s [Bell, Telus, Rogers etc.] will be satisfactory to the typical home user Heavier duty users may want to consider enhanced packages. This may be defined as volume of use or type of use; for example Netflix, Skype, On-Line Video Gaming

Download Speed: The speed at which information is sent from another location TO your computer. Important in Netflix, Skype, Gaming Upload Speed: The speed at which information is sent from your computer to some other location FROM your computer. Important in Skype, Gaming Bandwidth: Measured in Gigabytes, this is the amount of “traffic” available in a month before EXTRA CHARGES apply. Everything – To & From your computer [including ] - has a “size” that counts against your allowance


37 GOOD ENOUGH? Download speed [5Mbps] is adequate for everything except gaming. Netflix will run OK at speeds as low as 2Mbps most of the time but 4Mbps is considered desirable Upload speed [1Mbps] is adequate most of the time – may be a problem from time to time with Skype [or equivalents] using video or if uploading lots of pictures Monthly usage [40Gb] is good BUT remember that ONE Netflix movie = 5 Gb!!!!!! Next package up [+$10 per month in this example] would solve the above for most home users except some gamers




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