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Travel Task Force (TTF)

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1 Travel Task Force (TTF)
Background Mochida’s memo (6-1-06) creates task force (chopey, hensley, lebbin, polansky, wermager [chair]): Review current funding level policy and make recommendation to continue/not continue policy ($1000/ faculty) If changing current policy, recommend a different funding methodology/formula

2 Travel Task Force (TTF)
TTF reviewed and travel spreadsheets Admin and faculty drew from the same fund In , 1 person expended $10,069 or 6% of total funds

3 Travel Task Force Recommendations
* Separate travel into 2 line item funds: Admin travel Faculty travel * Establish a faculty committee to manage the Faculty travel fund * Retain $50,000 base for FY 05-06 Reimburse unexpended monies equitably to faculty whose travel was not fully funded Faculty committee to revise current “Criteria” * Approved by Mochida, 6/26/06

4 Proposal from ULC I met with Mochida late on 7/21/06
ULC concerned TTF proposed faculty committee to manage Faculty fund: Delay processing of requests Create inequalities in funding Propose: $1000/faculty designated to each Dept to decide how to distribute travel funds equitably

5 ULC’s Rationale Dept Heads already sign off on all travel requests so no delay in processing requests Disputes minimized by Dept members agreeing to their Dept’s internal decision-making on travel requests

6 TTF Comments Clear submission guidelines/deadlines won’t delay processing of requests Clear, precise, transparent guidelines will minimize disputes $1000/faculty is simple/easy, but does not provide Extra support for new librarians/ professional work on national/state committees

7 Options?? Faculty committee to monitor funds
Depts manage their own funds Stay with current model Hybrid – combinations of above

8 Some Issues Allocate based on merit? Allocate same $$ to everyone?
Allocate more to new, non-tenured librarians? What types of travel justify increased funding?

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